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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Work in the wee hours.

Figure out how to get where we're going (mapquest).

Showers for all & get ready for church & pack changes of clothes.

Go to sister's church / nieces' baptism.

Lunch with sister etc.

Hike at natural history nature place.

Home; assign kids' work.


Review math for kids' test tomorrow.

Kids to bed.


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Good morning

- school work- did A&P unit exam, wrote paper for psych

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- dishes

- work on office stuff more- made dry erase calendars that work for me

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- one down

- anything else I get done- had a good cry while writing my paper, it's about a life changing event and I wrote about my dad's passing because he will be gone 10 years tomorrow

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Good morning! I hope everyone has a nice Sunday!


It's been a couple of crazy days with co-op, a birthday party, dh's homecoming game, and getting my nephew. Caring for him will be most of my day.



To Do:

meals and meds for nephew

playing games with him, coloring with him

tidy house


plan schoolwork for the week



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