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Another landlord question...broken window for almost 5 months...


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The window broke the first time they tried to open it, 3 days after they moved in. It is a 100+ year old house and the glass shattered as they tried to open it.


The LL sent over a window repair guy (WRG) the next day and they paid him $200 and they were told the whole window, frame and glass, would be replaced as soon as the new window came in and that it usually took 2 weeks.


The tenants closed up the window themselves, with cardboard and plywood.


Since then, nearly 5 months ago, they have heard a myriad of excuses, first from the WRG and then the LL.


Window's ordered. Window's not ordered. Window's in and will be installed. (WRG never came to the house after the first time). Window's the wrong size. WRG is injured. Have to wait until he is better. WRG is MIA. Can't get a new WRG bc he has the window.


Tenants called city councilman's office after 3.5 months to see what rights they had. City councilman's office called LL. LL called tenants and said don't ever call the city on me again.


LL called after 4 months and told tenants to measure the window and that a new one would be installed the next day.


That was early October.


Now the weather has seriously changed...temps in the 30s some mornings. The window is huge...like 44 by 60 or something.


Any suggestions?

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Another call to to the councilman - mentioning that last time there was a threat by the LL after the call.

Also is there a pro bono law office around them?


ETA: are there children or elderly in the house? I make sure that gets mentioned in every communication with everyone.

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Another call to the city councilman?


Or maybe one final call to the LL to say they are giving him 24 hours to replace the window before they call and report him again.


What a nuisance. :glare:

Another call to to the councilman - mentioning that last time there was a threat by the LL after the call.

Also is there a pro bono law office around them?

Yeah, I think it is time to make another call.

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Speaking as a landlord, this is terrible!! And I don't think the landlord has any right to tell them not to call the city. Have they read the landlord/tenant laws for your state? They are probably online. A broken window is bad anytime, but in cold weather..my goodness.


The tenants paid for the new window? We pay for repairs that are not the tenant's fault. Once a tenant dropped something very heavy on the glass-topped stove and we replaced it. They were supposed to pay us back but moved and never did. I wouldn't charge for a window that broke when someone was trying to open it. It's not like they threw a baseball through it.

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