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Do you ever worry about making your kids hate school?

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Yes, and no. Even in traditional school settings your children would be required to do subjects they dont like. Will it make them hate school? I dont think so, but they may never like that particular subject no matter what you try to do to make it easier on them... and there are those subjects like Math, and Language that have to be done no matter what.

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When teaching subjects your kids really don't like, do you ever worry that just carrying on making them do it will end with them hating school in general? Or am I the only one who worries about this?


Michelle T


Yes, I do worry. I tend to discuss with my girls the "whys" on why we study certain subjects. This tends to help them at times and make the lesson more pleasant.

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I really don't care all that much if she hates a subject for a while, as long as she learns it. I find that once she masters things she takes pride in them; whether or not she really enjoys them. I do try to make sure that she enjoys some subjects every day, and that she knows how much I respect her work when it is really good. But I don't want to ruin our relationship by only always being a teacher, and it feels like that sometimes, especially since I work fulltime and have to fit instruction into that schedule. I worry about falling into the trap of only talking about school, and only commenting on the stuff that is wrong. I really have been working on this this year.


One of the things I started to do is to take her along with me when I do Couch Potato to 5K runs, and let her talk about non-school subjects. I also have planned 3 trips into this year that she and do together, that don't involve any school stuff at all. They are short ones, but they are really pulling us together. Still, I don't think that I really have a solution at this point.

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When teaching subjects your kids really don't like, do you ever worry that just carrying on making them do it will end with them hating school in general? Or am I the only one who worries about this?


Michelle T


Yup. Only it's not so much about the subjects, it's about the going through the motions of reciting math facts, or Latin endings, or answering review questions for grammar....etc.. I am just NOT confident in what is not enough or too much.

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I really don't care all that much if she hates a subject for a while, as long as she learns it. I find that once she masters things she takes pride in them; whether or not she really enjoys them. I do try to make sure that she enjoys some subjects every day, and that she knows how much I respect her work when it is really good.



Well said, I am similar in the way I feel about it. We have told our dc that there will always be things that are not fun to do but it is still right to do them cheerfully and well.

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