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Does this exist (music camps)?


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Dd went to summer music camp last year and LOVED it.  She of course would like to return.  She auditioned for and received a substantial (half) scholarship.  Even with the scholarship, the cost was higher than we can justify for an annual expense.  It was also a full day's drive from our home which contributed to the expense both in time and money. I would like to see what our options are.  Perhaps there is a good fit closer to our home or at a lower cost?  Does anyone know if there is some sort of online list of music camps?  I realize this is a reach but thought I would ask before taking on the huge task of trying to find every camp within a day's drive from our home.  

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Many, many universities run one week camps. You need to check to see what is close to you. Even some of the community colleges with better music departments may run student camps.


Yah, Curtis, Cinci,  Interlochen, Stanford, even Indiana U are pretty pricey, but I think that there are some good options out there at the less well known camps. Even Blue Lake Fine Arts camp here in Michigan is decent, and it is a fraction - tiny fraction - of the cost of Interlochen.

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 Even Blue Lake Fine Arts camp here in Michigan is decent, and it is a fraction - tiny fraction - of the cost of Interlochen.


Blue Lake is the camp dd attended:)  It is just a little out of our financial reach.  Interlochen is 100% out of the question due to cost even though dd would LOVE to attend.

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Many, many universities run one week camps. You need to check to see what is close to you. 


Nothing is "close" to us.  But we are willing to travel if necessary.  It is the travel plus cost of the camp that ended up killing us.  Dh had to take 4 days off of work just to drive her, plus gas, two nights of hotel......

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Definitely check colleges and universities. Also, depending on her age-I know the Suzuki institute here gives scholarships to older kids to assist with the younger ones at times (so parents can attend the parent classes) which can make it very inexpensive to attend.

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If Michigan is where you're looking, I found these:

AVANTI Summer Musicfest Workshop Birmingham Bay View Music Festival Bay View Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp Manistee National Forest CelloChanWoods Howell Emerald Isle String Haven Beaver Island Interlochen Center for the Arts Interlochen Scor! String Camp for Adults Lansing



Thanks Clementine.  I have found that I can get good hits for my region but I seem to be missing some.  Michigan is not necessarily our target but even within that state, when I do a normal google search, it misses WMU's very good summer program along with other smaller programs I know exist (and can obviously look up myself) which makes me wonder what other programs I don't know about that I'm also missing.  I was hoping that there was some sort of database of all (or at least a lot) of summer music programs.  Part of it is that some programs us the words "camp" while others use everything from "symposia" to "conservatory."  I can't seem to nail them all down.  

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Blue Lake is the camp dd attended:)  It is just a little out of our financial reach.  Interlochen is 100% out of the question due to cost even though dd would LOVE to attend.

Interlochen is out of everyone's reach unless they are pretty flush with mega money!


Okay, so you are far enough away the Blue Lake is a reach.


Not sure where you are at, but the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay has a fantastic music camp, and camping in the area is wonderful. I don't know about the price though, but you should be able to quickly google it.


Are you close enough to Michigan that another Michigan source would work? I am just trying to get a feel for your geographical area.


Try IUPUI in Indianapolis if you are that way, Ball State, Butler, U of W Madison, possibly Goshen College, Elkhart Indiana (northern - near the Michigan border but on the west side), and Bethany College - hop, skip, and jump from Elhhart (Mishawauka if memory serves), and then if you have a BIG music store like a Baldwin or Steinway dealership that also sells a lot of music itself, ask them...many times they offer "day camps" that you can commute to, and usually woo good instructors and college professors to them. We used to have one about an hour from here that was only $25.00 a day, included lunch, and a private lesson every single day, plus group performance, or theory/history. The store didn't make a dime off it in terms of what they had to pay instructors (I was one of them) and other costs involved, but did okay because parents bought a lot of music, and often times chose to upgrade instruments so it increased their customer base all around. Worth calling and asking.

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Dd went to summer music camp last year and LOVED it.  She of course would like to return.  She auditioned for and received a substantial (half) scholarship.  Even with the scholarship, the cost was higher than we can justify for an annual expense.  It was also a full day's drive from our home which contributed to the expense both in time and money. I would like to see what our options are.  Perhaps there is a good fit closer to our home or at a lower cost?  Does anyone know if there is some sort of online list of music camps?  I realize this is a reach but thought I would ask before taking on the huge task of trying to find every camp within a day's drive from our home.  


What instrument does she play?  

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She plays violin and is looking for a camp that focusses on classical music (chamber or orchestral).  I am following the leads people have posted.  I still wish there were some sort of one-stop website that lists most of the camps nationally.  I knew it was a stretch but thought it was worth a shot to ask just in case.

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Talk with her instructor - he or she may know of appropriate camps in range.




Her instructor has been helpful but admits that she does not have a good grasp on what is out there.  It is very rare for people in my area to send kids to specialty camps so it is not something the instructor keeps close tabs on.  


I am for sure finding lots of different options, I just feel like I could be missing a better fit that I don't even know about.

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Hi Skimomma- Hummingbird in NM is not close, but is in the more affordable range. If your kid has a suzuki instructor then look at the Institutes. https://suzukiassociation.org/events/institutes/We offer housing (free) for people doing the specialty camps near us, which saves about $400, but the camps are already around that much or more for a week and in WA state.  It is worth asking if locals volunteer to house participants and/or their families wherever you look. This is not generally advertised. Also search nearby Universities and music schools for chamber music camps. I don't know what is in your area (other than Interlochen).


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