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rain, rain go away

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We've already had over 6 inches of rain between yesterday and today and I'm in the Chicago area. We have a front going through but I guess the moisture from the hurricane is just adding more moisture. We are expecting another several inches of rain tomorrow. Our basement flooded and our roof is leaking. If we're getting this much rain so far north I can't imagine what kind of weather everyone is getting further south. I hope you are all ok.

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I've got a post up on my blog showing pictures of our land with all the rain and flooding. There was no school here Friday because the trailer park across the highway from the school was being evacuated (maybe into the school?)and the buses couldn't make it all the way through their routes. We're on high ground though--the entire town to our east and across the river would have to flood before it came up to the level of our house. The annual Frontier Day celebration in our small town was cancelled due to rain as well.

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We are here in Chicago too. My children enjoyed splashing in several inches of water in the backyard this afternoon! I am hoping no more of it comes into the basement. Our house is an old Victorian that was built before there were sump pumps. It doesn't do well with all this rain coming so quickly.


I am wondering what the roads will look like in the morning and if we will make it to church or not. I'd really rather be there than here dealing with the basement.

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