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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Work in the wee hours.  [done]


Kids to theater camp.  (Grab them a lunch on the way.)  [done, packed a lunch because it was quicker]


Work at office home.


Pick kids up at camp.


Kids to gymnastics.  Work at gymnastics.




Second gymnastics practice (and work).


Home.  Kids' work.  Straighten house.


Kids to bed.




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Good morning

- school work- all done until Sunday :) though will be writing notes I'm behind on

- tidy house- living room done, vacuumed, kitchen done and reorganized

- dishes- in dishwasher

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- fold laundry- it's all sorted

- get dd1 off bus- dh picked her up

- any school work- done, she's staying the night at inlaws

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- cut up oranges for soccer game tomorrow

- anything else I get done

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Good morning! Packing continues. Dh is home this morning to meet with a realtor. Yesterday was not a great day for the continued mean girl stuff. So, so frustrating. I went throug my boxes that my pack rat dad saved and was reminded about my own experiences with mean girls. Things work out, but karma is sloooow in coming.


To do:

School for all

Chores/clean up for realtor

More packing

Details for storage and furniture give away

Ds2 to aikido

Rest to meet tonight


Have a great day!

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No tutorial for kids today, so a quiet school morning here.

Often interrupted by puppy antics! He just stole the cushion from the piano bench and came clipping in here to show off what he had. Working hard to teach him "Drop".


Go out to get a birthday gift for Ds's friend

Low key dinner since Dh is taking Ds to the birthday party

Check on my mom.

Go for a walk, possibly at the park.

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I was up most of the night and finally got that project out in a mass email this morning.  Next up is a conference call (in 12 minutes) during which I hope nobody expects me to discuss it.  Ugh.


My house is a mess.


I'm pretty sure I won't be going in to the office today.  Though I have plenty of work to do at home.

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Well, that was weird.  The conference call was set up with a new access number.  I dialed into the new number and got hold music for 15 minutes.  Sent an email about 7 minutes in, nobody responded.  I tried the old number, still just hold.  Went back to the new number.  Turns out the call had gone on for 20 minutes without me.  How does that happen?  I guess I could have dialed the access code wrong first, but it kept saying "the meeting will start as soon as the leader joins" etc., so ....


My boss won't believe that I actually dialed in early for the first time in my life.  :/


Maybe the problem happened because I dialed in early and the number wasn't set up yet?  Who knows ....


Kinda glad I missed most of the call though.  Nobody had a chance to grill me.  They can send me an email and I can take my time to answer.

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My day got hijacked because my mom had to go to the ER and is now in the hospital "for observation". Spent the afternoon explaining to the case worker why she needs to be admitted to a rehab facility for a week or so and hearing back the insane Medicare rules that prevent it. The hospital will keep her til Sunday so at least she will have two days of nursing, IV meds and regular meals.


So between that and cleaning up mom's house, running her bed linens through the wash at the laundromat and taking care of her dog, I am thankful for a chance to sit down and have a cup of tea!


Glad that my mom lives close so I can help and be an advocate for her. Scary to think of being elderly and alone and at the mercy of the system!


Dh and Ds are going to a birthday party tonight, so Dd and I are going to read, play games and relax at home - after retreiving the laundry! Might have to get carnitas from the taco trailer tonight....

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I don't think I've ever been so happy to see 5pm as I was today!


Trying to decide whether I would rather let the kits watch some video tonight or practice our TKD form or go to bed earlier.  Tomorrow is our belt test, and I've never felt so unready.  I at least need to practice tonight.  I can't seem to remember right-left or left-right.

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