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How would you require Latin to be done?

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My oldest child is loving Latin. He is 14 years old and in 8th grade. He has 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Form Latin from Memoria Press. But he has been studying the books, not doing the workbooks. We own the workbooks. He has done part of First Form workbook, but none since. Since he is only 8th grade, I allowed him to continue to do as he please with the Latin as I mostly want him to enjoy it for now. We did it in the past with a different program, one for grade school called Minimus. He did that at a private school actually. 


I saw that someone else gives credit for Latin for high school, with 1st and 2nd form being one credit and so on. 


I am thinking that, if he wants to be serious about the Latin for high school credit, I should require the entire workbook to be done? Does this sound reasonable? Right now, he enjoys trying to interpret things, like The Hobbit, translating it in to Latin. A few other things too. He has a spiral notebook where he is re-writing these books in to. 


Would you seek out a test and place him? Or figure the extra practice won't hurt him and have him do all the work books before giving him any credit? I am referring to for high school. Thank you.

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Do you want to give him a Latin 1 high school credit for 8th grade?  If yes, then I would take a look at the scope and sequence of some programs, and make sure that he has covered enough Latin. It wouldn't matter to me whether or not he completed the workbooks vs. translated The Hobbit.


Try to imagine dropping him to a Latin 2 class - would he be ready?  Or would he have to repeat Latin 1?

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I'd buy the Test booklet and answer key and use those to see if he's mastering the material. Here's the Amazon link:






MP Online offers a high school level Latin class that covers First and Second Form in Latin 1 and Third and Fourth Form in Latin 2 then picks up Latin 3 with Henle's Caesar.

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I am thinking that, if he wants to be serious about the Latin for high school credit, I should require the entire workbook to be done? Does this sound reasonable? Right now, he enjoys trying to interpret things, like The Hobbit, translating it in to Latin. A few other things too. He has a spiral notebook where he is re-writing these books in to. 


Would you seek out a test and place him? Or figure the extra practice won't hurt him and have him do all the work books before giving him any credit? I am referring to for high school. Thank you.


I'm a bit confused... Your son is just reading the lessons, skipping all of the exercises, and then trying to translate the Hobbit into Latin? Is anyone looking over his "translation" and correcting the mistakes?


I second Chiguirre's suggestion to buy the MP test booklets and have him take the tests, in order to figure out where he's at, and then go from there. 

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FWIW, we did Latin gently, from Song School Latin, to Minumus and Minimus Secundus, to halfway through Cambridge Latin 2, with the expectations increasing along the way.  By the time we reached Cambridge Latin 2, DD had a tutor and did a short translation and some of the workbook exercises each week.  This year we've stepped up to High School Latin 2 using Oxford Latin, through CLRC.  She has about 5 pages of homework per week, has vocabulary study at least 3 times per week, and will have a mid-term and final. Although she is technically in 8th grade, I will assign high school credit for this year's course, but no credit for anything preceding it.  I think high school credit requires the current level of rigor.  HTH. :001_smile:

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If you want him to do Latin in high school, I'd start fresh with a high school level program like Henle (which the MP Forms programs were based on - so the vocab will be familiar), Wheelocks, or another program. I'd make him do the exercises & take the tests if he wants the credit for them.

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