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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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So much didn't get done yesterday so I'll move it to today!


Exercise - done!

Print out daily assignments - done!

Plan science for the next week - done!

Finish holding books at the library - done!

Hang up master bedroom curtains - done!

Work on planning Seattle trip - 

Laundry (2 loads washed, dried, folded, put away) - 

Write! - 

Read - 

Plan busy bags to make and put together shopping list - 

Journal - 

Make appt for 4yo dd - 

Make hair appts - 



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I have the house to myself today, and the Big Deadline is past, so I can dial down level of stress that has almost become my new normal.


  • Kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Order stuff for kids' swim and theater.  [done]
  • Sign kids up for theater fall cam.  [done]
  • 1 load of laundry.
  • Work.
  • Yoga.
  • Read.
  • Organize kids' rooms.
  • Get more stuff put away from the porch.
  • Practice TKD form.
  • Kids' work.
  • Family TKD
  • Grocery shopping?  Waiting to learn if the campout will be canceled due to weather (again!).  I'm supposed to buy the snacks for the troop.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning! Dh is home today, so some house things might be accomplished. He is going to take dd1 to the airport. She will be visiting the school he really, really likes. So we will see. The weather is not going to be cooperating with the trip.


To do:

School for all


Chores for all

Some house things

Some $$ things

PM practice/judo


Have a great day!

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Good morning, today is dh's and I's 10th anniversary :D

- take paper to dh- done

- fold laundry- towels and dd1's clothes are done though I do need to put her school clothes on hangers

- laundry- in washer

- school work

- tidy house

- get dd1 off bus

- help dd1 with school work

- pack pjs and stuff for girls (wont being staying over night but we won't get back until after bedtime)- dd1's packed along with diapers and wipes for dd2

- take girls to inlaws

- dinner out

- get (hopefully) last plumbing piece so we can hook up the dishwasher

- bedtime routine

- more school work

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Happy anniversary :party:


Rainy again. I expect this will continue for days. I just hope we don't get high winds and/or floods from the hurricane.


Made a quadruple batch of pumpkin muffins this am :)


Still ahead:

--rest of daily and Thursday things

--grocery shopping

--write psych test for tomorrow


--emails (some done)

--register for SO coach training session

--keep an eye on wind forecast; tie/support young tree if needed

--finish essay for dd's application

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We are mostly done with school, about an hour left.

I have a zillion errands to do this afternoon.

Camping this weekend was cancelled so my weekend just got way easier.


piano lessons

shop for various random items


UPS drop off? maybe tomorrow.


drop off Dd at my mom's

call a lady about a dog

print Oct budget


dinner - fish and veggies





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I took a nap and didn't get much accomplished during the "work day."  I only got a little organizing done.


The scout campout was changed to a one-day deal, so that means my Friday evening and Sunday have opened up.  So I spent time filling them up.  I hope the weather is OK on Sunday since I plan to be outdoors most of the day.  I also started planning my kid's birthday which is next week.


Went to TKD and got some exercise.  Bribed the kids to do some "school" work (since they didn't have homework).  Got some work done in the evening to make up for slacking during the day.


It's cold, I have some sinus stuff going on, and I'm sure that's why I still feel tired despite having plenty of sleep.  Ugh.  Debating whether turning on the heater will make things better or worse.

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