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Help me choose Alg 1 for Math Mammoth die-hard? **Update in post #15

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My DD10 (turning 11 soon) is humming along with Math Mammoth 7. She has completed the entire series with no hiccups. She is good at math and is somewhat accelerated (5th grader or young 6th grader - darn October birthday makes it a bit muddy), but she's a very get'er'done type of math student.


I am starting to think ahead to algebra 1, as she'll likely finish pre-algebra sometime this winter. I would like something that is more or less written to the student or that has videos. A work text would be a bonus, but she's certainly capable of transitioning to a text book. Conceptually challenging, rigorous, but not too puzzly or unnecessarily difficult, with a straight-forward presentation would fit her preferences best. 


Hit me with your best suggestions. Thanks in advance!

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This is in reference to DS who did well with MM.


We like A Fresh Approach work-text (comes with Solutions manual). Directions are fairly clear, no color, pictures, or sidebars to distract. It reminds me a lot of MM.  We also did Power Basics Algebra.  Really clear in explanation and layout, but no solutions manual only an answer key.  PB has a work-text, activity book, and additional work book.  Samples on their website.

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Have you seen Maria's algebra recommendations? http://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/algebra_1.php


Of those on her list, I have used AoPS with one child and and Jacobs supplemented with Foerster for another. Foerster is right up the alley of what you are describing.

Yes, I was just reading her recommendations! Foerster's book did strike me as one worth considering. I just wanted the Hive to have her/his say! 😀
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Have you seen Maria's algebra recommendations? http://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/algebra_1.php


Of those on her list, I have used AoPS with one child and and Jacobs supplemented with Foerster for another. Foerster is right up the alley of what you are describing.


This is what I was going to suggest as well.


DS used MM and is now working successfully through Foerster Algebra I, with Math Without Borders videos. http://mathwithoutborders.com/?page_id=4


Mr. Foerster was an engineer, and it shows in his text . . . straight-forward, real-world applications, challenging word problems, and concise. The text is written well for self-teaching, but DS seems to get a lot out of seeing & hearing the examples on the video worked out by Mr. Chandler. Plus the videos are good practice for note-taking.


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My son liked Lials. They have the Solutions Guide, Tutor DVDs and it was pretty straight-forward. Quoting myself below since it's been awhile since I used Lials. We worked all the way through it and I plan to use it for my next two. 







Is there a sample somewhere online for the Lial's DVTs?

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My oldest son used Foerster, 

My oldest daughter used Foerster and AoPS

My next child...I'm not sure yet.  It will either be Foerster or Chalkdust or Jacobs.  I think he'd actually really like Jacobs.  But it all comes down to money.  I own Foerster.  I do not own either Chalkdust or Jacobs in Algebra.


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OP here. Thanks, all, for your thoughts on this topic. I also sent Maria Miller, author of Math Mammoth, a note detailing our situation and she gave me a thorough, lengthy reply. I have decided to buy a used copy of Foerster's Algebra 1 to preview. It seems it will be just what I'm looking for.*


*Less the work text format. For that, Algebra: A Fresh Approach wins. I'll keep this suggestion in my back pocket in case my DD struggles with the transition to a text book. My only hesitation with it is that it seemed a little 'light'. Although, it's really hard to get a good feel for it since the online sample only includes the first chapter.

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