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I think we have an animal in our wall/fireplace!


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I was sitting downstairs and suddenly heard a very loud chirping sound.  It sounded like it was coming from the fireplace but now I think it's coming from the vent in the wall.  I don't want to open either and the vent might not be able to come off without damaging the wall.  It started suddenly and is making a constant sound which is extremely loud.  It might be a bird, mouse, cricket or bat.  Anyone know?  It has been stormy here.  Maybe it was seeking shelter.  My husband hit the vent and it stopped for a short time and then continued and is not stopping.  It did not stop when we asked it verbally in loud voices.  I am scared of it.  I am also scared it will stop my son who is somewhat medically fragile from sleeping.  I got the name of a company but they are closed until morning.  I don't want it to die in our wall or come into the house.  It was a long day and I have too many problems and too much to do already.  Anyone know about these things?

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We have had squirrels in our attic in a previous home, and somehow a squirrel got into a furnace duct in another home, so I have had a somewhat similar experience. (I hate squirrels!) In my opinion, I would think the noise stopped because the lights went off. If it were me, I would call the company in the morning to come check it out, just for your own peace of mind. Hopefully they won't find anything, but they will handle things if they do - I was so happy to pay for that service! Good luck!

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A bird, a big one, once came down my chimney into the (thankfully cold) woodstove. I closed a bunch of doors to bedrooms and bathroom, opened all the windows and then opened the woodstove doors. It flew around the apt for a while but it finally found an open window and got out.  It was stressful at the time, but it was over quickly. 

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We had swifts in our chimney a few times until we had a special cap installed.  Swifts are protected!  So we had to wait for them to move out.  Our cat sure loved it when they were in there.  He sat in front of the fireplace on high alert.


We also once had a dead bird stuck in our heater fan.  I don't know how that got in there.  But the fan would not work with his carcass inside.   He or she never smelled.  Thank God.  

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It could certainly have been a bat.  If so, it is quite likely that, once everyone stopped beating on the wall and messing with his radar, he was able to get out the way he got in.  Bats have pretty good senses of direction.  Their chirp does sound a bit like a cricket's; it is a high-pitched squeak.  (We have bats living in the ventilation louvers under the eaves on the tall side of our house, and I hear them regularly.)  Hope for everyone's sake that he's gone for good.

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We had a bird fly or fall down into the chimney clean out compartment in our basement (a floor below the actual fireplace).  Thankfully we could take out a large cement block to allow him to fly out.  We opened all the doors leading out of the basement, as well as the front door.  The bird quickly flew upstairs and out of the door without leaving any kind of mess.  As another poster said, it was over quickly.  He never would have been able to get back out of the chimney by himself.


I was horrified that there were also several dead birds in the compartment.   :(  We had chimney caps installed immediately and have had no problems since.


Mice don't usually chirp.  I don't think a cricket would stop chirping when the lights went off.  A bird or bat seems more likely. 


Please open the fireplace doors and see if there is some way to help the poor thing.  Whatever it is, it's (probably!) going to be more scared of you than you are of it.


I know it's stressful.   :grouphug:

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Once had birds that got into the dryer vent.  There was a cage over the vent, but that flipped up and they started building a nest in the opening.  I turned on the dryer and that blew all the bird stuff out!  It was crazy.  Somehow the cage thing flipped back down and all is fine now.


The echoing sound through the dryer made it seem like the animal was much bigger than it was.  Freaked me out! 

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