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American music history help?

Dulce Domem

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So we have spent time over the years doing composer study, generally tying them at least loosely to our history time studied.  


So, this year we are doing American history from the civil war to now, AND we just moved to the Memphis area.  I am (well, my kids & husband are) wanting to study an overview of American music history.  Different styles, iconic artists, etc., tying in Memphis where we can (Elvis, BB King, birth of rock n roll, etc.).  


Does anyone have any resource anywhere to suggest?  Even if it is just a simple book, tell me!  I can't even find a picture book on Elvis.  How is that so?  My kids are 9, 7, 4, & 2.  Obviously, this will be mainly for the 9 & 7 year old.  


Anything on American music would be helpful at this point.  I am just at such a loss as knowing where to even begin.  Thanks!

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How about the new offering from Memoria Press?


Exploring America's Musical Heritage
through Art, Literature, and Culture
Dr. Carol Reynolds



I would also recommend pieces from Aaron Copland:

Billy the Kid

Appalachian Spring

Lincoln Portrait (w/various narrators)


Fanfare for the Common Man

and some others.


There are several collections. Some with Bernstein conducting, which is where I'm leaning.


I would look for Jazz greats, Swing, and Big Band. Classic country. Folk. Gospel. the Blues.  the "Negro spirituals".


There are several good collections of American folk music (like eating goober peas from the Civil war).

Also, a collection of our specifically patriotic American music (like George M. Cohan, but not only him).


Here's a good page to look through: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_19?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=american+folk+music&sprefix=american+folk+music%2Cpopular%2C252


Earlier artists/genres: Stephen Foster (bio at Zeezok) George M. Cohan; Irving Berlin; Gershwin; Bernstein; Rodgers and Hammerstein; Duke Ellington; Edward McDowell (bio at Zeezok); Stephen Sondheim; John Coltrane; John Denver


Several of these have short bios and/music for children:

Getting to know the World's Greatest Composers Series (they have modern ones, too)






Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra http://www.amazon.com/Duke-Ellington-Piano-Prince-Orchestra/dp/1435202376/ref=pd_sim_14_65?ie=UTF8&refRID=1J042CGYCXR1Y1HRPJ86


If I Only Had a Horn: Young Louis Armstrong http://www.amazon.com/If-Only-Had-Horn-Armstrong/dp/061825076X/ref=pd_sim_14_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=0DSHRKTYDA81K8WPPCE9


A page of Elvis books for kids to choose from: http://www.amazon.com/Elvis-Presley-Kids-Biography-Just/dp/1491062142/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1439508355&sr=1-9


After listening to his classics, maybe have them watch the awesome 1968 performance (decked out in leather!). Also, other performances, prior to that one and then the one in Vegas. Many can be found on You Tube, or Amazon: Here's a list of tv performances:





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You people are geniuses!  I couldn't come across ANY of this and I have googled and googled and googled and googled.  The only thing I was aware of was the Diana Waring stuff, and that's because I bought it at a conference a year ago.  It is really good, but only gets us to a certain point.  I'm off to click links now.  Keep the suggestions coming if anyone has anything to add.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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Any idea on a suggested age range for the Carol Reynolds DVD set (Exploring America's Musical Heritage)?  It looks perfect, but am wondering if my older two would be able to get anything out of it.  From the trailer it looks as though they definitely could, even if it were nothing more than associating the visuals of the time with the music styles played then reinforcing with music selections of our own.  I can't find a suggested age.  Ideas?

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Welcome to Memphis! Make sure you take time to visit the various museums and sites while you're here. I would avoid Beale Street with kids at night-it gets pretty boozy, but during the day you can visit the Hard Rock Cafe, Rock and SOul Museum, Sun Studios, Stax Records, etc. Almost all of these will have teacher resources available. If you go into Elvis, along with visiting Graceland, drive down to Tupelo and visit his birthdplace. It's quite a difference. I'd also suggest visiting some of the gospel churches when they have concerts-Mississippi Boulevard is a great one, because so much of the Memphis music scene came originally from that style and it's an important link. 




This DVD series is narrated by Wynton Marsalis, and goes through basic music theory and an introduction to Jazz in a form accessible to elementary/middle school kids. There's a companion book which is also excellent.


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I have a couple of things that might help.


I did American folk songs when we studied early American history so you might think of using that approach.


Also, I Choose Joy is coming out with a 20th Century American Music Appreciation course for K-12 on Monday (8/17). It definitely covers rock-n-roll, the blues, jazz, etc. It's not up yet or I'd link you to the curriculum. 


Between folk songs and I Choose Joy's course, you could easily cover most of American music history.



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