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Latin + Foreign Lang, how do you schedule?


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10yo does Latin 4 days/week GSWL 2 lessons a day, and 15 minutes of Duolingo French everyday. She'll start Big Book of Latin when done with GSWL and I can tell I'll have to break up the lessons to reasonable daily chunks. About that time, she might start a "real" French curric as well. I have no idea who those both with go!! She loves the French and I'm committed to Latin. ;)

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We do both pretty much every day. Dd is a sixth grader now and she will spend 30 minutes on Latin each day, plus a once a week class. She studies Chinese as well, and has class for approximately 3 hours a week and daily work of about 30-45 minutes outside of that.


Each week on the first day, she makes flashcards for that week's new vocabulary and reads the week's lesson/dialogues so she is ready for class. We will drill flashcards each day for the rest of the week. The first drill is on day 2; it takes the longest because the words are new, so sometimes that's all we do that day (for Latin we also do recitation each day). By the end of the week the cards go pretty quickly. Days 3-5 we schedule any written work, with most happening on days 3-4. Day 5 we also review the lesson and do a quiz or test. During review weeks we go through the entire pile of flashcards.


Foreign language, along with math, is a subject I feel goes more smoothly if done every day. My fourth grader will also work on these languages each day, but probably for only 20 minutes at a time.

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I don't know yet. I will let you know in September when I do it in earnest! LOL


Right now we do Latin everyday but come September my son will also have german homework (german taught outside the home) so I will have to figure that into the mix too. It probably helps that we like talking german whenever we can so it will just sort of "happen". 

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My plan for this year is Rosetta Stone Spanish (M, W, F) and Memoria Press Latin (Tue, Thur.).  We'll also work on a Spanish song once or twice a week (Jose-Luis Orozco CD), and I'm not sure what my younger DC will be using for Spanish...we may just work on some vocabulary and phrases.

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Our schedule last year for 6th grade (I imagine it will be much the same this year):


Tuesday - Latin and Spanish (45 min each)


Wednesday - Latin and Spanish (45 min each)


Thursday - Spanish & Latin (10 min each for vocabulary review)


Friday - Latin and Spanish (45 min each)


Saturday - Latin and Spanish (45 min each)


DS doesn't get the two languages mixed up at all. We do, however, put one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

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Well, we aren't doing 2 anymore since we moved back to the US, but up until this year we have always done both Mandarin and Latin.  I'm a huge fan of the both everyday method!  Languages require constant review and usage.  Now, we didn't really have much danger of mixing up the two since they are so incredibly different.  Obviously with a language like Spanish you're going to have more overlap between the two.

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