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Recommend something similar to ELTL and Queen for Kindy?


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Thanks to a misunderstanding of acronyms I bought DS Queen's Language Lessons for Little Ones instead of SWB's FLL. It's been way too easy as far as its introduction to letters as DS is beyond that and will be starting AAR2 soon. However he has enjoyed the paintings and poems and the beginning narration. For the most part it asks questions and then has the child recite orally and draw a picture. I will never in the foreseeable future do something like this on my own so I need a book that prompts me. The Queen books are expensive and there really isn't very many pages available to sample so I'm not sure about getting another one. If I were to would anyone have a recommendation about which one to buy?


I really like the idea of ELTL but I think I should wait until closer to 1st grade. Is there anything else out there?

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That's weird.  The Cathy Duffy review of ELTL suggests some kids will in fact do level 1 for K5.  :)  And given what you're describing, the dc sounds ready.  I wouldn't *wait* on something you like that looks right now.  Just look at the samples and go with your gut.  Kids totally vary and timing varies.  I'm getting ready to do ELTL 1 with my gifted ds6 (almost 7) with many learning disabilities.  My dd would have done the same thing in K5 without a problem.  By 1st she was doing full narrations, long copywork, dictation, etc.  Given where your dc is at, he may progress that way.  No need to wait.  Advancing just lets them be normal for themselves.  It doesn't make them freaks.  :)

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My older DC will be using ELTL.  I'm trying to create something similar with my K'er.  She'll be using Wee Folk Art's picture study and poems.  There's one picture a week and one poem to memorize per month.  I may add in some of the Pathways books (ELTL 0) or we'll just stick to the Wee Folk Art picture books (there are two per week).  For phonics, she'll be using McGuffey readers and some inexpensive workbooks (Starfall and R&S Preschool).   Wee Folk Art also has the child do some journal/narration pages.  

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Don't know if this will help you or not. I'm debating ELTL 1 for my daughter and was trying to look at samples. When looking at the ELTL 1 book preview, I could hardly see anything. But in the "samples" section, there is a free download that contains the introductions and first 2 weeks of all 4 levels of ELTL. Just was reading the intro to level 1 this morning and I can see we need to wait until my daughter is a little further along with phonics and handwriting before starting ELTL 1. Maybe after Christmas.  Just in case you didn't realize there was a download of the intro and first 2 weeks: 



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I think there are quite a few vintage texts of similar methods like Emma Serl's Primary Language Lessons.  If cost is an issue, I'd spend some time searching on google books for a text or The Complete Writer: Write With Ease text and gather your own resources for copywork, narration, memorization.

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