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Should I return these?


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I bought three identical new pairs of workout pants from Walmart's website. They are a brand and style I am familiar with, but the ones I had were getting too big, so I purchased the new ones in the next smallest size. These are the type of pants that are designed to fit snugly.


I wore one of the new pairs to the gym this morning. When I first put them on, they were comfortable, although they didn't fit as tightly as I'd expected. I still figured I could get a few months' wear out of them before I would need a smaller size. I work out six days a week, so going through new gear every few months is not unusual for me.


HOWEVER, once I got into my workout and starting moving around and sweating, the pants became unbearably baggy. They didn't hold their shape at all. I spent the second half of my workout readjusting my pants every couple of minutes. It was like they just kept growing! By the end, I had half a dozen folds of fabric on each thigh.


Needless to say, the two unused pairs are going back. But should I return the used pair as well? My general rule of thumb with clothes is that if I wear them in public, they shouldn't be returned (never mind getting them all sweaty and gross -- although of course I would wash them first!). But I had no way of knowing they would become so shapeless once I started working out in them. So on the one hand, I feel like I'm just out of luck, but on the other, maybe it would be within my rights to get my money back? It's not like they were super expensive or anything, but around here every dollar counts.

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Return all of them. It is obviously defective and not one of those shrink/stretch when washed issue. It could be a batch problem.


We returned a electronic toy to Target after a month because we didn't realize the toy was defective until we read the manual after DS10 complained. It was a batch problem with that toy. The toy was going in spirals all the time instead of straight.

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I have returned pants that I have worn for that exact reason.  I also have no problem returning clothes I have worn that I feel have a defect, within a certain time period.  I returned a cute shirt to Kohl's because it had draw strings and the draw strings started to unravel after 1 washing/wearing.   I bought my daughter a jacket that started to get those little fuzz balls after the first time I washed it.  I didn't return it, but wish I had.  It was an expensive (expensive to me) jacket.

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I would return them all. They don't do what they were sold to do. We had a situation with clothing like that once. Didn't perform as expected on the label. There were no questions asked and a full refund was given. It was WM as well.

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Yes, I would return them. You might want to consider different brands of workout gear. My husband runs six days a week and bikes at least twice a week. He has found that it's really worth it to get the better quality workout clothes from Dicks instead of Target or Walmart. They hold up better when he is exercising and they retain their shape longer as well. He watches for sales and we often get coupons in the mail - he buys a piece or two at a time. 

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They didn't pants right.




LOL, they were certainly dismal failures at pantsing. :lol:


Yes, I probably should invest in better gear. Part of the reason I haven't is because I've been losing weight steadily for two years. I hate to spend a lot of money on something I'm going to "ungrow" in a few months. Good problem to have, I know.


Thanks, guys. I really felt like I should be able to return them, but I needed confirmation.


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LOL, they were certainly dismal failures at pantsing. :lol:


Yes, I probably should invest in better gear. Part of the reason I haven't is because I've been losing weight steadily for two years. I hate to spend a lot of money on something I'm going to "ungrow" in a few months. Good problem to have, I know.


Thanks, guys. I really felt like I should be able to return them, but I needed confirmation.

Pants failure, confirmed.


Return authorized as per Hive.

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