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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's 4am and I have sent out all the first client's accounting reports.  Finished 1 of the 4 that need done for client #2.  May take a nap now.


The list:

  • File state sales tax.  [done]
  • Send reports for Client 1.  [done]
  • Put clothes in dryer. [done]
  • Finish and send out reports for Client 2.  [done]
  • Clear out linen closet since the construction guys are busting it out today.  [done]
  • Kids up & off to theater camp.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, some clutter.  [done]
  • Work. [ongoing]
  • Kids from theater to horse camp.  (Lunch in car.) [done]
  • Work.
  • Kids from horse camp to math camp.  Work at math camp.
  • Dinner.
  • Kids do some reading / language and play.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Take out garbage & junk from basement etc.
  • Work.
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IKEA field trip day :party:


Ds is buying things he needs for his apartment in California while still on the east coast, since he has the time now, access to a large vehicle, and his company is paying for his relocation :D


We're all tagging along because IKEA. Duh.




Other than that:

--physical therapy in an hour (oops, better go shower!)

--schedule some appointments for late August

--submit another syllabus for approval

--move AP Envi Sci syllabus to calendar form for dd's use

--water garden as needed

--email dd at camp

--plan meals...

--work on science fun festival plans

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Dh is dealing with anxiety and depression and does not yet have a medication that is working for him. We have tried all the regular things, vit D, exerices, sunshine, omega 3s etc. His job is in danger because of poor work performance. He is stressed beyond anything I have ever seen before. Insomnia, headaches, dizzyness, nausea, sweating (no fever), and muscle cramps. He's been to regular doc for a check up and bloodwork and they didn't find anything. New Rx tomorrow. Praying that it works at least enough to let him work moderately well for a bit or he may be unemployed.

Meanwhile, kids and I try to have a regular day. Praying and trying not to have them worried.

Clean bathrooms
water plants


kids helped with housework and worked really hard  :hurray: 

pool?  not today, doing some prep cooking instead so that the weekend can be easier.


Sort Buster's winter clothes and begin tagging for consignment  hooray, a head start on this! needs to be done by 8-8.
library? pick up summer reading prizes!
pick up CSA veggies and buy eggs

listen to Julie Bogart's webinar tonight. :)

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I want to go back to Ikea!


I have no idea what I'm doing today. Dh was supposed to have off today but now he has to work. So all my birthday plans are ruined. I just want to crawl back in bed and pull this sheets over my head. I imagine I'll just hang out at my parent's since today is my sister's last day here.

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Good morning! I am starting off the day with a dentist appointment. I will rush home and the kids will be off for practice. Then to a graduation party for a little while, then back home so older kids can use the car for work/practice. In the odds and ends of time this morning.....



Dust downstairs

Pay some bills

Read a little

Plan for ds2

School stuff for dd1


Have a great day!

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ScoutTN-I am sorry for what you and your famiy are going through. Hang in there and I will say a prayer for you all.



1. exercise with DS13 **

2. walk dogs

3. have a talk with DH; write note?**

4. pay for attuneup**

5. pay comcast business**

6. renew library books**

7. set up Ds10's new kindle

8. clean kitchen**

9. fold laundry**

10. have green smoothie for breakfast**

11. try and catch up with writing class

12. pick up meds**

13. order Physics kit

14. wipe down bathrooms**

15. write review for airbnb

16. dinner out for DS13's bday??

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Good morning

- dishes

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- cancel motor cycle insurance- done and got a quote for the camper (will insure once we get it registered later this week, it's a whole $22 a year with a $0 deductible)

- call on Dh's class- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- study for anatomy

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

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Worked until 6am and then tried to sleep until 7am.  Didn't get back out of bed until 8:30am.  Oh well.  Kids missed their first class at theater camp.  Nobody will die from that.


First order of business, be browbeaten because a client might not have done something I advised her to do (despite reminders).  It is my fault of course.  What isn't?


I have lots of hopefully mundane work to do, so I shall try to immerse myself in it.

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So far today I've cleaned the kitchen, done 2 loads of laundry, and did some pet sitting. I really don't ask for much but doing things I hate to do on my birthday is one thing I really wanted to avoid on my birthday. There is no food in the house so I'll even have to grocery shopping, my least favorite chore, today too.


Must find at least one thing I want to do and do it.

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Boss just had an argument that totally wasn't worth having.  And it probably isn't over.  I hate listening to arguments.


Nanny forgot that she didn't have to pick the kids up today.  Luckily I got there the same time she did.  She does have it in writing in several places, including in her own handwriting ... she texted the correct dates to me the other day ... sad.


Trying to get into this new project ... come on SKL, focus ...

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Took ds to work.

Took ds's keys to work.  (We all forget things sometimes.)

Made dh's lunch last night but made his breakfast this morning since he had to leave while I was taking ds to work.

Went back to bed for an hour.  Someone let Libby out of her room but she was a gentledog and slept at the bottom of my bed and didn't bug me.

Human care done

pet care done

medical care done - I gave myself my shots last night and then rebelled and "forgot" to do my nasal meds since I really didn't want dry heaves on top of the pain from the shots.  I made sure I did all my nasal meds as well as the oral ones this morning. 

Dd - unloaded the dishwasher

Me - loaded the dishwasher and got it running.


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