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What is Your Favorite Language Arts Curriculum? Please please help!!!!


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My dd8 just finished 2nd grade. Last year we started by doing FLL2 and WWE2 and eventually I just got burnt out from forcing dd8 to do narrations. We switched to Growing with Grammar, but I don't think it engaged her brain enough-she just whipped through it without really processing it. 


We did our state required standardized testing this Spring and she came back as weak in language arts. There were many things on the test we hadn't really covered including roots/prefixes/suffixes. 


My friend recommended CLE Language Arts and so this past month we have been working on the 200 Level. It covers the material we have missed, but a lot of it is based on phonics rules they assume the child has already mastered in the 100 Level. DD is a strong reader, but she can't recite phonics rules so I feel that this isn't serving her well either.


Where do I go from here? I want a strong language arts program that is really comprehensive. I am not big on lots of narration. I need it to cover topics that are going to show up on standardized tests. I don't need spelling as we are doing Apples and Pears and that seems to actually be working for DD.


Thank you for all your help and wisdom!!!

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We are planning to use MCT next year for fourth, but it is good fir third too. We used Shurley before, and I wouldn't say it is my favorite, but it was solid and worked well for my son, by he lacked the deeper understanding of some things. This is why I am using MCT next year with my oldest. It depends on the child. My middle would prefer more of a workbook like A Beka (which is schoolish and religious, but very strong in language arts.). They are not tied to phonics after second grade. He's the get it done type so he can play. We are using FLL next year, so we will see. Rod and Staff also has excellent reviews, but it lacks color too much for us.

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My dd8 just finished 2nd grade. Last year we started by doing FLL2 and WWE2 and eventually I just got burnt out from forcing dd8 to do narrations. We switched to Growing with Grammar, but I don't think it engaged her brain enough-she just whipped through it without really processing it. 


We did our state required standardized testing this Spring and she came back as weak in language arts. There were many things on the test we hadn't really covered including roots/prefixes/suffixes. 


My friend recommended CLE Language Arts and so this past month we have been working on the 200 Level. It covers the material we have missed, but a lot of it is based on phonics rules they assume the child has already mastered in the 100 Level. DD is a strong reader, but she can't recite phonics rules so I feel that this isn't serving her well either.


Where do I go from here? I want a strong language arts program that is really comprehensive. I am not big on lots of narration. I need it to cover topics that are going to show up on standardized tests. I don't need spelling as we are doing Apples and Pears and that seems to actually be working for DD.


Thank you for all your help and wisdom!!!


State required testing in 2nd grade?? Man, I thought our state was strict and we only need every other starting in 4th.

CLE Language Arts would be pretty comprehensive (you can skip the spelling easily). Abeka would be another option. Both of those programs are very STRONG in grammar and tend to yield good standardized test scores.

Many around here rave about Rod and Staff as well. It is a thorough program, but I'll admit it brought my son to tears. 


If you decide you don't want to continue with WWE, I would still recommend that you continue doing narrations from your other subjects. It may seem like a pain, but it is worth it in the long run.

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Keep going with CLE just cross out the phonics questions or else work through those ones with her with the phonics cards they have on the CLE site, so she can see how it works. We did a different phonics program too but I thought it was kind of helpful approaching it the way they do so we did it both ways.

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We use Hake Grammar.  There is a third grade level coming out probably sometime this year, but I don't know when.  I am supposed to check with the author in August.  But my rising 3rd grader is using the 4th grade level just fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for your suggestions! 


We have continued with CLE for now and are just crossing off the handwriting, spelling, and phonics portions. This cuts the lesson in half so we are doing two lessons a day. At this pace we should be done with CLE 200 at then beginning of November and then can jump into CLE 300 without being too far behind. 


Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

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Regarding her being "weak" in language arts?  Don't sweat it.


We're doing WWE and FLL as well.  I started them, *knowing* that they "did not meet standards" for our area for the early grades.  Why don't they? Because I'm not having my child write reams of material day after day.  But I chose them anyway, knowing that I'm not looking at the "right now" abilities but the cumulative, "by high school" abilities.


Your daughter tested weak in language arts because there were areas tested that WWE and FLL haven't covered.  But there is lots of time ahead to get them covered, you know? 

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My dd8 just finished 2nd grade. Last year we started by doing FLL2 and WWE2 and eventually I just got burnt out from forcing dd8 to do narrations. We switched to Growing with Grammar, but I don't think it engaged her brain enough-she just whipped through it without really processing it. 


We did our state required standardized testing this Spring and she came back as weak in language arts. There were many things on the test we hadn't really covered including roots/prefixes/suffixes. 


My friend recommended CLE Language Arts and so this past month we have been working on the 200 Level. It covers the material we have missed, but a lot of it is based on phonics rules they assume the child has already mastered in the 100 Level. DD is a strong reader, but she can't recite phonics rules so I feel that this isn't serving her well either.


Where do I go from here? I want a strong language arts program that is really comprehensive. I am not big on lots of narration. I need it to cover topics that are going to show up on standardized tests. I don't need spelling as we are doing Apples and Pears and that seems to actually be working for DD.


Thank you for all your help and wisdom!!!


For grammar and composition (plus some other stuff), you can't go wrong with Rod and Staff's English series. It has no phonics or spelling (FTR, phonics rules and spelling rules are not the same thing), though, and that's where roots/prefixes/suffixes show up. OTOH, it isn't a bad thing that your state-required testing covers things that your dd has learned yet; that just reminds you of the things you haven't taught her yet, so that you can decide whether it's time to learn them or not *at this time.*

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