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Current/Former Saxon Math users -- where to go after Saxon 7/6? Pre-Algebra?


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My son will complete Saxon 7/6 this year and I am already trying to figure out where to go from here. Several posts on this board indicated that Saxon is not a good program to use for upper grade math.


What are your thoughts? Would he move on to pre-algebra -- if so, which one (Thinkwell, TT, Chalkdust)? Any and all advice appreciated!!





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My 12-year-old math-bright son completed Saxon 7/6 and went straight into Saxon Algebra 1/2 last year. He had no problem at all. This year he is starting Lial's Intro Algebra. My 11-year-old son. Finished Saxon 7/6 last spring. We are moving to Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra supplemented with a few of the Algebra 1/2 where I feel that TT isn't as in-depth as I would like. While I know people who have used Saxon Algebra I successfully, I just don't like the scattered format and the mixture of algebra and geometry. In my experience, for a non-math-directed student, Teaching Textbooks is great; for a more math-oriented student, I have been pleased with Lial's.


Best wishes from an overly compulsive mother who has been know to go through three different curricula in a single year to find just the "right" one!


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We went from Saxon 7/6 to Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. Honestly, sometimes I feel like some sort of Chalkdust "groupie" on this board!:lol: I constantly sing its praises, but I really think the teaching of Dana Mosely is outstanding. We have done Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and are currently in chapter 2 of Geometry. I think it is thorough, and I really like "real-life" word problems.

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My dd went from 7/6 to Algebra 1/2 and has since completed Algegra 1. We are just starting Algebra 2. Most people seem to skip 8/7. We had no problems doing the same. Some people don't seem to like Saxon, but it is working great for us. I don't mind if my math is dry, as long as they learn it. One thing I will say is that many dissatisfied Saxon users seem to skip parts of the assignments. They will only assign the odd or even problems for instance. I have always had my dd do all of the problems, and I think this is one of the reasons it is still working for us. It is also available used and is reusable for my younger kids.

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My dd went from 7/6 to Algebra 1/2 and has since completed Algegra 1. We are just starting Algebra 2. Most people seem to skip 8/7. We had no problems doing the same. Some people don't seem to like Saxon, but it is working great for us. I don't mind if my math is dry, as long as they learn it. One thing I will say is that many dissatisfied Saxon users seem to skip parts of the assignments. They will only assign the odd or even problems for instance. I have always had my dd do all of the problems, and I think this is one of the reasons it is still working for us. It is also available used and is reusable for my younger kids.

:iagree: we do all the problems and I think my dc know their math. They may not know much else:lol: but they know their math.

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:iagree: we do all the problems and I think my dc know their math. They may not know much else:lol: but they know their math.


:lol: Same here! I've always assigned all the problems. Sometimes we break a lesson into two days if we're pressed for time, but we get those problems finished!

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I've taught/tutored Saxon's upper maths successfully for at least 15 years now.. most of my students did great with this program.


There is no need to switch programs UNLESS your child is having difficulty. Saxon is not a good fit for all learning types.


I had to switch my dd out of Saxon after 7/6. We tried 8/7 and she was in tears nearly every day. We tried retarting the text several times but it was just not a good fit for her--she NEEDED a more traditional program. I switched her to Lial's Basic College Math and she FLOURISHED. I have no regrets. She has continued with Lial.


If you feel that your student would do better in a more traditional program then I'd suggest Lials, Foerster, Larson (Chalkdust) or Jacobs if you have an average to above average student and TT if you have a below average to average student who does not need a heavy math.

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My 7th grade dd is doing Saxon Algebra 1/2 this year after completing 7/6 last year. I had thought about putting her straight into Algebra 1 because the public school here is doing Algebra in 7th grade now! But, then I came to my senses.:) I am going to progress with the same plan I have used for my boys. They did Saxon all the way through and it worked well for them. Dd seems to be doing just fine with Saxon so (at least for now) I am planning on staying with it.

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