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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

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I am starting to feel human again.  I just hope I can get up in 3 hours.


We figured out part of our vacation plans.  I booked the room, so that can't change.  ;)


Today's plans:

  • Kids to horse camp.
  • Buy time-release fish food.
  • Basic housework.
  • Work work.
  • Bring kids home and give them lunch.
  • Change out fish water.
  • Give kids work.
  • Pack for trip.
  • Work.
  • Kids to swim team.
  • Family TKD.
  • Orchestra concert / fireworks.
  • Drive to hotel.
  • Figure out where we are staying Thursday night.
  • Go to bed.
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Good morning :) It's odd with just dd20 here!


On my list:

--errands: groceries, library

--daily and Wednesday things

--physical therapy

--a long walk with dh (we were going to hike but the trails are a muddy mess covered with downed trees :()

--order a tshirt for dd

--do one thing fron my "stuff to do while dd is away" list

--any gardening I can do (the ground is like a squishy sponge right now!)

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Good morning! Today is July 1, the day when coaches can start calling. Several coaches have emailed to tell her they will call. So weird. She has a busy day today with 4 hours of practice and a short downtime in between, so maybe just a lot of messages.


To do:

Grocery store/gas for car

Plan dinner

Pick up and dust downstairs

College stuff

School planning

General house work/need to clean refrigerator

A little weeding

PM practice


Have a great day!

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Raining buckets here. :)

So I get a day to hang out at home and catch up on stuff.

Cleaned the fridge.

Bathrooms next.


Listening to a couple of my WTM sessions this afternoon while kids watch a movie.

I love a rainy day in the summer.

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We need rain badly, though not as badly as some other places like California.  


human care done

pet care done

medical care almost done - I have one more thing to do but I don't want to do it and so I'm putting it off but I promise to do it as soon as I finish posting this.

my scullery maid (dishwasher) is hard at work

my laundress (washing machine) is hard at work

Ds should be coming home from work soon

Dh is at a doctor's appt. but I promised that I'd have lunch ready when he gets back.

Dd is with some friends.  


OK -  to do the dreaded medical thing and then spent ten more minutes in the kitchen.  

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I have filled another bag of clothes and half a box of books for Goodwill. This is so refreshing! Clearing out the hallway closet is halfway done. Laundry is in dryer. Gotta drip dh off at work, pick kids up, and figure out what the rest of the day entails

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Went to store and gassed up the van. Dusted living room and dining room.

Took messages for my daughter. She mostly gave out her cell, so I am wondering who else called. Downloaded some video from this weekend, hope it worked.


Now, I have to make myself some lunch and figure out the next few hours.

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Didn't get my afternoon at home because kids said they NEEEEEED to go to the library. A request that is hard to refuse! ;)

So I tacked on gas and grocery too.


Made up pancake mix.

Did some laundry.

Did some meal planning.


Signed up for swim meet job.

AHG paperwork done.


Bathrooms are next.

WTMA lectures will have to wait until tonight.

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medical got done for the a.m.

everything was done to get dh out the door to work


I want to announce that after today's errands, we now have a bouncing baby. ....................................driver!  


We went out to Kidd Valley burgers to celebrate.


napped when we got home because I got too tired.



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