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AAS Whiteboard question


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I just got in my AAR/AAS order and was wondering what size whiteboard you use and where you found it? I have a very large one that I have the tiles on now but it is mounted on our wall and my dc will have to stand in a chair in order to use it. I use it to teach from. I would like a smaller one that we can use at the table, in the floor, etc that still fits the tiles well with room to build the words. If you have found one like I'm wanting, would you mind sharing? Thanks! 

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Some people use a cookie sheet and I saw a blog (?) where someone had used a folder and glued magnetic strips on it.  We found it easier to prop our board on the wall and just sit on the floor for the lesson part.  We seldom use the board now though, so it's tucked beside our piano...

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I use an oil drip tray, which is like a giant cookie sheet.  It's a nice size to hold all the tiles with room to work. I lean it up against the back of the couch when we use it, and it lives on top of my daughters' wardrobe when we're not using it.  If you go this route, bring a magnet with you to the auto parts store - not all brands are magnetic.

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I have an extra whiteboard that I have sitting atop a 4' bookshelf.  I can use it myself, or I can set it on the floor (lean it against the coffee table) and the kids can work on it.  It's a 2x3 whiteboard that I got for $20 at Walmart.  I've been surprised at how well it's working, since I figured a cheapie whiteboard would probably not hold up too well.


Before that I used generic cookie sheets (or jelly roll pans?  they have a little lip all around) from Walmart.  (Most cookie sheets are not magnetic, so test before you buy!)  I found an 11x17ish cookie sheet (along with two smaller ones) in a pack for around $4, if I remember right.  I put half of the AAS letters across the top and half across the bottom.  The lip prevented the tiles from getting knocked off, and the pans were easy to store--I tucked mine on top of a high bookshelf so they were out of the way when we weren't using them.  (A bonus--these also made great trays for travel.  I bring them along in the car and they can nicely fit a coloring book or a large sheet of paper on which I've drawn roads for toy cars, and they're also great for snack or mealtime in the car, since they can balance quite a bit of food and have a lip to prevent things from easily getting knocked off the edge.  When the kids aren't using them, they stand them up next to their booster or on the floor beside their chair.)

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We have a 2' x 3' magnetic whiteboard hanging on the wall next to the desk at a height that works well for DS to stand next to it while working. It works well because he fidgets less while standing. The only disadvantage I've noted to having it mounted on the wall as opposed to hanging loosely on the wall or resting against the wall on the floor or table is we can't store the extra tiles on the back like we used to. This is fine for us because we have more storage space for school materials than we used to and I just keep the extras in a container on the shelf next to the spelling box.


I wouldn't recommend a smaller board, unless you plan on having two - we have a smaller magnetic whiteboard that is lap-sized that works great for some things and gives us the option to sit at the desk if we want.

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For now we are using a 18 x 24" board. The alphabet does not fit all the way across the top so we put u through z in a second row. It works fine on our lap. Eventually we may get a larger board but for now (in level 2) there aren't too many tiles in use. I need something portable since we have a baby in the house. I store it up high and away from him.

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I did Hobby Lobby too with a 40% off coupon... and then my toddler ate/lost several of our tiles. That's when I abandoned them altogether and use the Sound Literacy app on our iPad. It is expensive, but worth it for us here and we have gotten (and will continue to get) a lot of mileage out of it. I use it for AAS and also for teaching reading sometimes.

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Ours is 2 x 3, Quartet brand. We bought it for a good price a Sam's Club, but they no longer carry it. We used to use it on the floor, but DD drove me nuts rocking back and forth and all that. Now I just lay it flat on the table in front of her (be careful if you have a good table...metal frames can scratch). It hangs off a bit on each side, but it's sooooooooooooo much better. After we're finished with that part of the lesson, it goes back in its resting spot until next time.

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We also went to the auto store and got a drip pan. It is a great size. I have been propping it against the wall, beneath our whiteboard, and then just carry it to the table when we do spelling. That being said, one of our kitties discovered it last night, so it did get moved to behind an Ikea shelf. :)


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This is similar to what I did...




and an even better version...




but I never found the boards anywhere (and I looked!)


Another couple of products I've seen since then that might work for a mini office:


small magnet boards.


magnetic pages in a binder–check out this facebook post on AALP. She posted follow-up pictures after she got the tiles farther down.

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Thank you everyone for all your suggestions! I checked out several of them today while out shopping, including the whiteboards at hobby lobby, the oil drip pans at Wal-Mart, and the cookie sheets. I ended up going with the 3 pack cookie sheet set mentioned above for portability and ease of use. I loved some of your ideas and maybe one day, I'll implement them too. Thanks again everyone!

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