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Does anyone have personal experience with Eric & Leslie Ludy?


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I've heard them speak and own one of their books. 



Can I ask...do you think they fit into any mainstream denomination?


What do they believe that is different from  ________ or similar to _________?   (You can put your own denomination in the blanks if that makes the question easier.  I'm trying to figure out what they believe exactly.)




My husband went to a Youth With a Mission school with one or both of them so one of their faith beginnings was with YWAM.



I am not familiar with YWAM.  Googling...




Sounds like they are courtship-ish, probably rooted in IBLP/Gothard. He spoke at at least one IBLP Northwoods conference a google search reveals.



I've been reading on the Set Apart Girlhood website/magazine and I am seeing red flags, if not flashing lights and sirens.



There is a conference/simulcast coming up soon and it's being publicized among the local HSers.  My daughter will not be participating.  I am tempted to go just to have first-hand information about the Ludy teachings so that I might talk with others who are processing it all. kwim    That he spoke at IBLP...tells me enough about them to know where my own family stands.  


That said, I am a PW here and people will be watching how I handle this.  If I go missing, send in the Marines...

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I have learned to be suspicious of anybody focusing on girlhood, motherhood, or femininity. These people tend to box women in and promote stereotypes. I have reached my limit with people acting like the Bible has "pink verses" and "blue verses."

Not just for women, but men too. I have had to consciously push back some of their teachings as to how men should be. I found it was greatly affecting how I related to my husband and I was constantly comparing him to something that was just NOT him...and my husband is a wonderful man. He just doesn't live up to Eric's expectations on what a "warrior poet" should be. 

Same with a friend of mine. She has had to really step back and look at the "manly teachings" and decide if she's going to accept her husband as is or let those expectations rule her marriage. We've both had a long road of second guessing ourselves, our partner decisions, etc - all because of what we swallowed in some of their teachings.

And that is NOT good for a marriage. 

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"Warrior poet"^^^^


Awesome. Wow, that would be confusing here. I'm more likely to be the gun-toting, Shakespearean here and DH, the peacemaker mathematician. Lol.


My husband is the warrior and NOT the poet. lol

Sadly, the teachings I swallowed after leaving an equally legalistic church left me many times resenting my husband for not living up to Eric's expectations....a man my husband had never met nor heard of! It's ludicrous and it has taken me the last 3-4 years to really break free from those beliefs. 

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I'm trying to pin down the theological foundation of Eric & Leslie Ludy and Ellerslie.


If anyone has a personal experience and/or has studied their materials, I would love to hear what you think.


One of the main criticisms of Eric is that you can't exactly pinpoint his theology. He's influenced by preachers of old like Hudson Taylor, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, DL Moody, E.M. Bounds,  Tozer, etc. 


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I read a post on another message board that was far from flattering of them. Their books on purity and marriage are very legalistic and guilt inducing even for those who are far from wild.


Leslie has a purity blog for girls. *shudder*

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One of the main criticisms of Eric is that you can't exactly pinpoint his theology. He's influenced by preachers of old like Hudson Taylor, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, DL Moody, E.M. Bounds,  Tozer, etc. 




This is what I'm gathering.  He has no contemporary accountability in the ministry?  I read a very odd article on his Simplitism, for example, yet he has no other voice agreeing...no theologian.  Does he just make stuff up?



In contrast, my dh is a pastor in a mainstream denomination.  We hold a central belief that is agreed upon nationally by many theologians and has passed the test of time. That doesn't mean we are right or the only way, but if some lone pastor began making up stuff and preached it or wrote books/articles with anything that contradicted our denominational beliefs, he'd have to answer to a great number of people.  He'd probably need to start looking for another job iykwim.



Does Eric Ludy have any sort of a group to belong to with a common theology?  (The conference he spoke at with Bill Gothard tells me enough...but I'm still curious.)


It would make it easier for me to say that I disagree with ________ theology rather than a beloved Spiritual Leader.  I'm trying to be truthful and non-confrontational at the same time.



And, go ahead and read the current issue of setapartgirl magazine.  The article titled Snaked and Soldiers is absurd!  I could pick aprt about 30 mishandlings of scripture.  It's a dangerous conclusion based on faulty hermeneutics...and it sounds like ATI in a younger package.   Do not read the article on taking criticism or you will feel guilty about disagreeing with the snakes and soldiers... :ack2:



And. I caught some highly manipulative parenting advice that makes me wretch...but who am I to talk when my kids run wild like...well, like normal kids...and well...I see why many HSers do not associate with very many other HSers.

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This is what I'm gathering.  He has no contemporary accountability in the ministry?  I read a very odd article on his Simplitism, for example, yet he has no other voice agreeing...no theologian.  Does he just make stuff up?


Yes, I think sometimes he comes up with theories and ideas based on something he's studying. He even tells you, at times, that "this is a name I have come up with...but here are verses that support it." There are ideas that seem great, that are presently poetically and charismatically (because Eric is nothing if not charismatic!), and it's easy to miss the mishandling of Scripture when things are so eloquently presented. 


In contrast, my dh is a pastor in a mainstream denomination.  We hold a central belief that is agreed upon nationally by many theologians and has passed the test of time. That doesn't mean we are right or the only way, but if some lone pastor began making up stuff and preached it or wrote books/articles with anything that contradicted our denominational beliefs, he'd have to answer to a great number of people.  He'd probably need to start looking for another job iykwim.



Does Eric Ludy have any sort of a group to belong to with a common theology?  (The conference he spoke at with Bill Gothard tells me enough...but I'm still curious.)

No. He is not with any group as he is influenced by a great number of theologians and writers from across the ages. He pulls from all of them. 

I really don't think he's a Gothardite. I do NOT see Leslie fitting in with that group at all and frankly, I think Eric is a bit too sure of his own theology to follow the lead of someone else, but I can see where some of their ideas and theology (made up or not) could overlap.  



It would make it easier for me to say that I disagree with ________ theology rather than a beloved Spiritual Leader.  I'm trying to be truthful and non-confrontational at the same time. 


The issue comes down to following God vs following man. Eric does not have an accountability base outside of those he has brought into Ellerslie to lead with him...and I have plenty of issues with some of the leaders too, some of whom have been following him since they were in their early teens, so they are full in. 


And, go ahead and read the current issue of setapartgirl magazine.  The article titled Snaked and Soldiers is absurd!  I could pick aprt about 30 mishandlings of scripture.  It's a dangerous conclusion based on faulty hermeneutics...and it sounds like ATI in a younger package.   Do not read the article on taking criticism or you will feel guilty about disagreeing with the snakes and soldiers... :ack2: 

I will have to go back and read both!! lol I love guilt trips thrown on me. lol 



And. I caught some highly manipulative parenting advice that makes me wretch...but who am I to talk when my kids run wild like...well, like normal kids...and well...I see why many HSers do not associate with very many other HSers. 

Very interested where you found this. I just breeze through the magazines every now and then. I'm married and didn't "follow the formula", so I don't exactly fit into their "God-written love story" mold.  :ack2: I also can't stomach some of the perfect Stepford wife/daughter articles. 


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And. I caught some highly manipulative parenting advice that makes me wretch...but who am I to talk when my kids run wild like...well, like normal kids...and well...I see why many HSers do not associate with very many other HSers. 

Very interested where you found this. 


From people I know irl.  They quoted Leslie Ludy.  I don't know their exact source, but they are Ludy followers and gave an example that they thought was wonderful.  If I find it, I will post it for you.


Mainly, I feel a bit over-protective of my kids now b/c I know these attitudes permeate and kids pick up on it quicker than we do.  My dd is getting to the age where she values the opinions of teen girls greatly, and that has me on guard too.  Hopefully, I've read to her enough about strong women to combat this stuff irl.  

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I was just talking to my friend about this post and she reminded me of when she was applying to attend Ellerslie (Eric and Leslie's "college"/training institute/whatever it is). They loved her application, but the one thing that bothered them was her lack of "quiet time" to study the Bible. It was stated that there was a concern that she did not have a strong enough love for God because she didn't have 2 hours set aside for prayer, but she was still admitted to the program. 
Luckily for her, she couldn't make it at that time. Since then, she's had more red flags pop up and does not even entertain the notion of attending. 

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