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11th grade planning thread

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I think we're officially planned.



English: homegrown American lit, combo of finishing Writing With a Thesis, They Say I Say, and homegrown composition


Math: Intermediate Algebra by Larson with the Mosely DVDs (expecting we'll take more than 11th to get it done)


Science: Spectrum Chemistry


History: American, using the free Funda funda schedule as written


Language: Breaking the Spanish Barrier, finish 1, start 2


Electives we're still trying to nail down. We've tossed around art history, debate club, philosophy, theology, and nothing seems to grab him. He will probably do the fun British lit course I'm writing for siblings (a little untraditional, based on inspiration of J.K. Rowling). He's very interested in a choir/drama/dance group, but he'd have to drop swimming for it. Decisions, decisions.


Extracurricular: BSA Boy Scouts, BSA Venture Crew, WWII dance performances and dance club scene as a family


All I need to buy is the chemistry, Spanish, and a few more literature titles.

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Right now I'm feeling very :willy_nilly: about next year. Usually, by this point I've got everything nailed down, but I just haven't felt all that inspired lately.


What I'm pretty sure we're doing:


Math - Saxon Algebra 2

Science - Suchocki Conceptual Chemistry

History - 20th & 21st Century World History with current events; No idea what materials we're using yet.

English - I'm still up in the air about this, but I'm pretty sure he'll do world literature. Beyond that, I'm :banghead: .

Bible - Old Testament required class at co-op.

Foreign Language - He is really over Spanish after this year and will be doing Sign Language at co-op instead since he has to take  another core class there.


Electives - drama & media arts classes at co-op. And since he is dropping both karate and baseball after 10 years this summer, he has decided to do some running, ice skating, and hanging out at the trampoline park for fitness.


Over the summer he's doing an Irish History class based on his own interests and is getting Civics out of the way with some books and TTC lectures. Otherwise, I've decided that we're taking the summer off from schooling. I'm feeling a little burned out.


One thing I do know that we're going to do schedule-wise next year is to block schedule by quarters in English and then do Chemistry first semester and history second semester. I want to focus on fewer classes at one time. The co-op classes are mostly a joke work-load wise (except drama), so I think this might be a good balance for next year. At least, I really hope so. 


The schedule should look something like this:



Irish History



Fall Semester

Saxon Algebra 2

Conceptual Chemistry

Sign Language


Media Arts

1st quarter - research paper

2nd quarter - writing/grammar


Spring Semester

Saxon Algebra 2

World History

Sign Language


Media Arts


3rd quarter - literature/vocab

4th quarter - research paper OR a different writing module

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Tentative plans:


AoPS Precalculus

Dystopian Literature

WW1+2 history with appropriate US history mixed in (TC lectures, Bennett text for US as main resource)

Biology (standard text; Miller Levine or Campbell)

German (need to select literature)


Electives will happen.

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Saxon Advanced Math

Apologia Biology

homegrown British Lit -- will probably use some Progeny Press guides

homegrown Shakespeare (possibly, if ds wants to) -- either Progeny Press or Lightning Lit (1/2 credit)

homegrown Mystery Lit (if ds wants to) (1/2 credit)

homegrown American History I  Honors (abt 1600-1899)

homegrown Military History (possibly) (1/2 credit)

Cooking (Food for Today)

Bob Jones Bible

homegrown Spanish

Bob Jones Music Appreciation (1/2 credit)


ETA:  Writing With Skill 2 or 3 or a combination of both


ETA again:  Phys Ed -- baseball (1/2 credit)


homegrown Philosophy (possible, but not likely)  (1/2 credit)



Activities:  church audio/visual booth, nursing home visitation, youth group, church teen choir


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Life of Fred advanced algebra

Power in your hands and research paper + several lit analysis essays

Human anatomy and physiology

James Madison critical thinking


Latin roots - after finishing visual Latin- my goal is more familiarity than complete mastery

And 2 dual credit classes at the college- sociology and government. For electives she has drama/ puppetry, and American Heritage girls.

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This isn't set in stone yet, but here is the current version of our plan:


AP US History at co-op

US Government/Constitution at co-op (with AP US Gov't test self study)

Pre-calculus - Derek Owens

Physics - Derek Owens

Greek 2 - Lukeion

French 4 - need to find a tutor

American Literature & Composition - homemade course (possibly AP English Lang self study)


Electives:  Art and Music

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Conceptual Physics

Microbiology (2nd semester, 1/2 credit)

Spanish 3 (La Clase Divertida)

American History (undecided)

American Literature w/ composition (possibly Center for Lit; undecided)


Electives are undecided; maybe logic and art or music history.  Music and sports keep dd pretty busy year-round.

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I think we are mostly planned.  The girls are starting to go their separate ways as far as interests and the focus of their school work.


Sarah had a very heavy year this year, so she gets to go lighter next year.  She plans on going into Microbiology or Forensic Science, so we are trying to get the math and science in for her so she can start the program at college without taking extra math.  


English:  American Lit. (co-op class)

Math: Ask Dr.Callahan Algebra II with Pre-Cal

Science: Chemistry (co-op class)

They've pretty much finished all the history requirements for our state, so we are focusing on the science and math for her the next two years, along with prepping for the ACT.

Maybe American Gov./Econ this year, we haven't decided.


Miranda has her heavier year this year.  She is thinking about going into video production in college, so she's trying some of that out.  


English: EIL

Math: Algebra II (TT)

Science:  Chemistry (co-op)

Spanish III (co-op)

Programming (co-op)

Sound Production (DE)

Intro to Desktop Audio/Video (DE)

(She has also started running the sound booth at church this summer)

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