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Exercise Thread ~ May 10 - May 16


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Luckymama, which one is it? 


I did 45 mins of mat work last night! :hurray:  I did it and I didn't collapse on the mat.  Last time I tried that I literally cried, so I am happy with this minor achievement.  I think it is the warmer weather. I am not spending so much energy trying to keep my core temp up so I am doing better.  It might also be the acupuncture and the 10,000 supplements I am pouring down my throat every day.


DH is making noise about how I should get outside and at least take a good walk in the nice weather, but I am afraid I will get stuck away from home. I just run out of steam on occasion. It happened when I was still able to run and it wasn't pretty. I am blaming allergies right now. I also have a reputation for not being much of an outdoors person (severe environmental allergies) so I think I can hold him off.


My blood work came back fine and the doctor told me if it did she had nothing left to offer me, so I am on my own. This was not a surprise.  I will go back in the winter with the same complaints and make them deal with me again. That is my current plan, to just keep going back every 6 months or so.


The doctor did give me a referral to the 'health and wellness center' which is some fancy joint project of the hospital and a high end fitness club. They do 'life style' type treatments, PT, OT, help with diabetes, stress tests, cardio rehab, etc. She sent me there b/c I was saying that my weight doesn't go down no matter what I do. However, I got the call to make an appt and was told my insurance won't cover a nutritionist unless I am diabetic, so what is the point? I actually don't see the point of the whole thing, but dh wants me to go anyway. I just want to cry at the thought of it. It just feels pointless. I'm going to go and get told: eat less and move more. Have you considered a food log? What about finding an exercise support group? Weight watchers is wonderful! Don't go below 1200 calories whatever you do! blah blah blah :smilielol5:

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 Today is the first time in 4 months back to intentional exercise that I am just not going to exercise as planned.  SIGH.....  I think I can make it up tomorrow so maybe it's not a complete fail lol  I usually allow myself a ton of excuses but haven't budged most of this year.  Won't beat myself up too much and will try to make up tomorrow.  Trying to keep the pressure on myself to some extent because that keeps me engaged in caring lol.  Encouraged by the rest of you ladies here though!  

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redsquirrel, she took AP Human Geography. I planned the course and had the syllabus approved by the College Board, so it can be listed as AP on her transcript.


She was one relieved kid after!


I gardened while she was testing, did some weeding etc. Having an injured non-dominant shoulder doesn't hinder most dsily activities :)


I may walk this evening. If dh and I don't hit a happy hour someplace while dd is at ballet, that is :lol:

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Lucky mama-my 16 yo took the APUS History exam. I wish she had at least been a little nervous.

Yesterday I was hither, thither and yon so it was a rest day. Today was pouring rain so I did the elliptical. I found a somewhat close not too expensive massage so went as part of my " recovery week". It felt great but I've had a headache since. Can a massage give you a headache? Anyway hopefully this weekend will include yoga, runs and pleasant walks.

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Red squirrel- so sorry. I have 2 with medical issues, dealing with confusing lab results and hearing- "we don't know" does gets old!


Today was weird: I accomplised my first TGU since I sprained my elbow (16 k) but then went for a run and for 1/4 of a mile and just turned around and went home. I feel blah, like I'm fighting off an illness but I'm not. My 20yo dd thinks it's the semester exhaustion hitting now that school is out. Hoping a good nights sleep will cure me.

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2 hours open mat, awesome time. I think after two years my side kicks and hook kicks are finally no longer embarrassing:).


Jammed my recently healed from a slight sprain big toe. Wow- that's fun. Using it as a excuse to sit with my feet up this rainy afternoon.


Have a great end of the week fellow (and perhaps slightly crazy) exercise enthusiasts!

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I couldn't log on here for the past day or so. About to soon do Bar Method: Change Your Body. 


I big puffy heart Bar Method!  I think the only one I don't have is Dancer's Body.  I am taking a break these days from all things barre, but I will always go back.



I did about an hour of Tracy Anderson this morning. It was about 50 mins of workout, but I have to stop and catch my breath or let things...unclench, lol.

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