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Silly, banging head on desk!


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I had ds's graduation announcements stuffed, addressed, and sealed. Then realized that I hadn't placed the wallet photo inside each one.


47 envelopes down the tubes. I tried steaming them, but they aren't doing very well, and I ruined one announcement with the moisture and heat...thankfully I have a few extras.


You know what? I am ready for this whole thing to be over with, the party, the school work, the final transcript, EVERYTHING!


Oh, and he has a creative writing assignment that he has to submit online - petitioning as a freshman to get into a sophomore writing class - and the U of MI server is taking so many hits today that he's tried nine times in two hours and it keeps timing out. My assumption is that since it's the last week of classes, most of the student body is online for some reason or another, but GAH! One little frustration after another.


:banghead:  :banghead: :banghead:  


So, here is your thread. If something about senior year crazy details has you grinding your teeth, post it here. We can commiserate together!

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I'm just a little overwhelmed. I wasn't prepared for the list of things to do! It took 4 days for the doctors office to locate ds's vaccine records. Freshman First Day (registration and whatever) is during the week dd will compete at Acro Nationals in NC (ds's college is in MO), but they told us it is absolutely necessary for a parent to attend with him. 


In the mean time, we have Acro State Championships this weekend, Senior pictures next week, AP exams, transcripts to send, a graduation party to put together, dh and I are going away for a week for our 25th anniversary (What on earth made me think we could do that right BEFORE the graduation party?). I need to get ds a doctor's appointment so he can update the necessary vaccines for college and get the student health form done. I don't even know what else is on my list. I just payed dd's tuition for summer school classes at the CC this morning and contacted someone I knew who has a child taking one of the same classes currently to see if I could buy books from them.


It isn't anything big, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed. I am more than willing to commiserate. Sorry about your invitations. We didn't send any out. We just created a FB event and invited everyone that way. We'll have pictures to give out at the party. 



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I'm right there with you but also having to take on the responsibility of public school hoop jumping which is made more difficult due to DS's illness.


We have been undecided about sending announcements since there is still a possibility DS won't be able to participate in graduation due to the multiple absences.  I made an executive decision and finished (with pictures) and mailed them on Tuesday.  We still haven't decided about a party.  I want to plan something in case DS can pull this off but I don't want to plan in case he doesn't and then we have to cancel.  I don't want him to have that pressure. I am doing quite a bit of behind the scenes work (with his high school, doctors, uni) at the moment to keep as much unnecessary stress out of his life as I can.


I am simply happy that my semester ends next week and that will free up a large chunk of time that I can dedicate to keeping DS on track with school, doctor's appts and life in general.


There are two tracks to everything academic, one for graduating on time, one for a delay.  Keeping all of those 'what ifs' and possibilities straight is enough to drive me to drink.

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I just wrote ds's US Government final. I'd meant to tweak the one I gave dd and just update some of the current issues questions, but discovered that it is not on the old machine...most of my documents aren't there, sigh! This was not something I had on the agenda today, and now am running behind schedule for rocket team errands.


Hugs to everyone going through end of year stress. :grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  

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I hear ya.  My dd has ONE week of school left.  She's been turning in garbage for her English Comp. class at CC (DE).  It is ticking me off because this is my WRITER!!!  Even her professor is getting frustrated.  She'd better not get a D in that class.  :smash: 

Also, she's trying to find a job.  Kind of.  It is a frustrating process to say the least.  Plus senior presentations at church, graduation dinners, my OWN finals at school, AND throwing in the birthday for my younger two in two weeks.   :willy_nilly:

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My son has two exams left for his cc courses - both next week. Of course, neither teacher is current on grading, so he doesn't know where he stands with either class.


The cap gown & diploma came earlier in the week and we mailed invites. We made a "senior portfolio" on shutterfly and that is being printed. I decided to try to get a school years photo album together, but my files are really disorganized, I had to sort through about ten years of digital photos. I actually downloaded files from my camera for the first time since 2012!


Company is coming and so I need to clean the house and do yard work, too!

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I started writing out all we have to do in the next two weeks and I started having heart palpitations.


AP tests, finals, announcements, concerts, graduation slide show to finish, presentation board to make and speech to write for graduation, planning and invitations for large grad party on day after graduation, landscaping (the backyard where the party is supposed to be is a complete mud pit due to the rain pushing everything back and grass not in yet), both kids in Fiddler on the Roof two days before graduation, dress rehearsals, I am head of props committee for the play, 8 family members flying in for play, graduation, and party and staying with me, the house is a disaster, piles of linens to wash for all the beds and blow-up mattresses, dd has a virus similar to mono and she is Golde in the play, doctor appointments, end-of-year school party, cast party, airport runs for people coming and going, food planning for all people for 6 days...


I think I need to go to bed now.  :svengo:

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