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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Sorta kinda met my 4/20 deadlines, but I have a ton more to do over the next few days.  I am on a roll, so hopefully I will get caught up.


Tuesday's list:

  • Get the kids up & ready for school, make breakfast & lunches.  [done]
  • Figure out their piles of school work.  Some of it needs to get turned in Tuesday, some still needs to be finished at home, and some of the textbooks need to go to school and back home again.  Pack whatever needs to go to school.  [done]
  • Quick review of the stuff they will be tested on Tuesday before they run to the bus stop. [done]
  • ETA:  kids missed the bus (she was early but whatever).  Had to drive the kids to school.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 5:30pm.  (Kids have play practice / aftercare.)  [well, I took a nap, does that count?  I only got 2 hours of sleep last night.]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • a little housework
    • summer camp signups
  • Pick kids up from aftercare. [done]
  • Family TKD.  [done]
  • Quick grocery stop.  [done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Read-aloud.  [not today]
  • Kids' work.  [another math marathon]
  • Prepare kids' clothes and bags for Wednesday.  [partly done]
  • Consolidate the garbage for Wednesday.
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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Good morning. It's my busy day of the month. The third Tursday is always hectic.



Work until 2

Kids go too so I have to find entertainment.

Dd to dance

Women's meeting at church. I usually don't go if DH is at work, but we have some things coming up.


Off to get started. Hope everyone had a great day.

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I am extra exhausted this morning so hopefully be one vitamin b and coffee will get me moving. Really I just need the vitamin b to do the trick but coffee is so yummy.


- school

- watch my niece while my brother borrows the van

- vacuum out van because the road trip did a number on it

- pay bills ( I've been paying next month's bills ahead of time for the last few months and it has completely hanged my relationship with our finances! They no longer stress me out regularly)

- clean my room

- laundry, washed, folded, and away

- continue to claen downstairs since it got halfway accomplished

- kung fu for kids

- read for an hour

- do my workout dvd

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I never sleep well when there are thunderstorms at night, so I'm skipping the gym this morning in favor of a walk later today.



--wake dd (she doesn't handle storms well either)

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--some planting :)

--some clearing out of invasives in our strip of woods along the creek

--daily things

--Tuesday-specific tasks

--get remainder of groceries

--walk, maybe 4 miles?

--dd ballet 5:30-7:30

--read :D

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Good Morning...


Dh and I slept in this morning...ahhhh...blissful!  :D



  • quick tidy of the house
  • waiting on yard crew to arrive 
  • enjoy the cooler/low humidity day
  • go to the National Harbor and Washington Nationals game tonight.

Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning! I had an early dentist appointment and walked home, because dd1 has the car for her practice and class. So I got some exercise in, which will hopefully offset the horrible night's sleep I had. Things are really picking up on the recruiting front which is wonderful and very, very stressful. Because we have no idea if we will be able to afford any of these schools. A cleaning sort of day will take it off my mind.


To do:

scrub down kitchen

plan dinner

school for all

oversee chores

school administration

sports administration

a little art, a little craft

PM practice

judo pickup


Have a great day!

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I wish we were going to a baseball game tonight!  Have fun, Tammy!


Tuesday to do:


tidy up


weight watchers meeting





quick bathroom clean up

to the store

post office

take a little nap

violin lessons

fajitas for dinner

volleyball practice - pick up 


it is a beautiful day!



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Why do I have such bad luck with US government entities??? I tried to sign a master promissory note online to get a student loan and the d@mn site wouldn't accept my electronic signature!!! I called the sites help center and they were the most unhelpful bunch (guess they got trained by some of the IRS agents?), my college's financial aid office was more helpful and suggest I try again tomorrow and if it doesn't work to call the school again to see what can be done.

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I took a nap today, so I didn't get much work work done.  I kind of deserved a day off, but I do need to get back on it.


Today the kids' teacher told them they have until tomorrow to turn in All of their make-up work.  One of my kids missed 3.5 days last week and the other missed 2 days.  They went back yesterday.  Last night they had homework and they had to study for 2 tests, but they did return some make-up work.  Today they had 4 pages of challenging math homework.  It took Miss A until 10:30 to finish that math homework.  Tomorrow I will wake them up at 6am to do a writing exercise / draft a letter and maybe a couple other small things.  But they still have many pages of math and some reading.  I just realized that the reading assignment requires a book we don't have at home.  :/  I may have to fuss with the teacher if she tries docking my kids' grades.  :/

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