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Foam rolling?


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If you do foam rolling, what results have you seen?


Has anyone ever injured themselves doing it?


It seems like it is just what I need as my greatest fitness challenge is muscular stiffness/tightness and that inhibits some of my other fitness goals, but it also looks like something that could possibly be a fad or be bad for you if done incorrectly, etc. so I wanted to consult the Hive.

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My kids roll to help loosen their muscles/joints for dancing.  My DS, specifically, has tight joints and spends time rolling before he performs.  He thinks it helps.  


We don't use/have a specific roller though, my kids use a tennis ball and that has worked fine.  They searched for Youtube videos on it, and also have their teachers give recommendations.



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we have a roller and dh and I really like it. The boys are both dancers and never use it.  I see the older dancers at the studio using it constantly though.


I also have 'the stick' and I prefer that to a foam roller. I feel like it is more versatile and I can use it more easily. For example, if I need to roll my quads I prefer to use the stick because I can do it while I read SOTW, lol. I don't have to get down on the floor and roll myself on the foam roller. I can also use it on my neck and forearms. I have 'tennis elbow' (actually knitter's elbow) so I need to roll my right forearm several times a day. I can't do that with a foam roller in an easy manner. I can with the stick. However, I am glad I have both.


I don't know if it helps with flexibility b/c I am fairly flexible. But it does help with muscle soreness. That is what the dancers use it for. It is like a self massage tool.


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Yes, I have been using one just since Christmas. My piriformis muscle gets tight and it results in sciatica-like symptoms. Rolling it makes a huge difference for me and it's easy to do.

Start slow, especially on areas that do hurt but the more you roll, the less pain - at least this is my experience.

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i use my foam roller all the time for muscle issues..  particularly my piriformis and hamstrings too.  it really loosens all sorts of things up, breaks up knots in my back,and returns blood flow to strained areas.  i  loooove mine.  its not a fad, but a super useful tool.  ive had mine 6 yrs.   i wouldnt be able to continue to run without  using it before and after.


there are a ton of great videos and diagrams online to show how to do it and where.  theres a couple good books too.

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For stick users, what size do you have?


I didn't know they came in different sizes, lol.  Mine is 18 inches. It is the size I see used in youtube videos etc about using them.


Honestly, I rarely use the foam roller anymore. My son the dancer does very occasionally. I wish he used it more, but he is young and thinks he will be flexible and pain free forever.  I think the dancers two years older than him would disagree. Then again, he's not on pointe, so maybe he'll get a bit longer


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I didn't know they came in different sizes, lol.  Mine is 18 inches. It is the size I see used in youtube videos etc about using them.


Honestly, I rarely use the foam roller anymore. My son the dancer does very occasionally. I wish he used it more, but he is young and thinks he will be flexible and pain free forever.  I think the dancers two years older than him would disagree.



Thanks.  I am tired of having to haul out my large roller whenever I need it.  This sounds like an ideal choice for when we go camping as well.


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