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I have a grade daughter who will be in 1st grade in the fall.  She did K this year in a Montessori school in our district and like her two older brothers she will be coming back home.  I think I am good for LA but I am unsure about math.  When I look at some books ( ex Horizons) she is already doing 1st grade math now.  I was thinking I can do book 2  and then move on.  Please give me suggestions on any other Math programs that you LOVE.

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I've been very happy with Math Mammoth. My DC also switched from Montessori, though a little later. Is she doing the math using manipulatives currently? Sometimes my kids were doing more advanced math with the Montessori materials than they were able to do more abstractly, if that makes any sense. RightStart has lots of manipulatives if she's doing well with those: http://rightstartmath.com

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Whatever system you choose, and there are many times many out there (we use CLE and love it), give a placement test.  Seriously, it will help.  That way she is placed where she needs to be, plus you can see if there are any areas that need a bit of shoring up .  In other words, you can target any gaps so it is a smoother transition from what she was doing....

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Miquon Math looks interesting.  Does it have its own website?  


Miquon is so old that it doesn't. It's been passed along through a few different publishers at this point. Love for it in the homeschool community is what's keeping it alive.


You can buy the books from Rainbow Resource or other homeschool sites. You used to be able to get them as pdf's from Currclick, though I'm not sure if they're available now or not.


Seconding that looking at Education Unboxed is the way to get familiar with how Miquon works. Miquon is really founded on the Cuisenaire rods and Education Unboxed has videos for how to play nearly every C-rod game and do nearly every C-rod activity out there.


Miquon isn't for everyone. It's a little different. But it really fostered a love of math and a deep understanding in my ds.

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Shiller math is Montessori based. I know the school where it was tested, I just happen to not live too far from it, and trust me if it was tested there, it is Montessori in a box!


I am really enjoying the program. My son is really enjoying the program too. To me that is what counts.

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If the placement test was with Horizons, consider the fact that the pace of Horizons picks up quite a bit in 2nd grade. One of my DC loved it and thrived with Horizons, while my other child hit a wall. Horizons may be a great choice for your child, but I would be careful about skipping too much.

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