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I would like to find a good newsource that is not too foamy

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well, NPR is certainly scholarly and subdued. I think it's pretty middle of the road (the news anyway), but I'm sure others will say differently. (I think one thing that's been made very clear to me over the past few days is that people have such wildly different ideas about what "bias" in the media looks like that there's very little hope of finding any sort of common ground anytime this century).

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I get The Week magazine. It is great! If you don't have television it is wonderful. I also listen to NPR, I often go to Google news, and I also have a look at the BBC each day. But, The Week is great for staying informed about tons of topics...both here and abroad. Good luck finding something that suites you...I agree that foamy is not a good look for all those journalists:)

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It seems like their alot of journalists on both sides that are foaming at the mouth don't you think? Is there a website or newsource that you like that is a little more scholarly and subdued, middle of the road sort of thing?

I just want the facts (ma'am). :glare:


I'm a huge fan of The Economist. You'll get a little sticker shock at the subscription price. But I have no need of Newsweek, Time, US News or other weeklies. Plus I can pretty much blow off watching the evening news.

I think that there is an educator discount that homeschoolers can use.

They have a bit of an outsider's perspective, which I appreciate.

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I'm a huge fan of The Economist. You'll get a little sticker shock at the subscription price. But I have no need of Newsweek, Time, US News or other weeklies. Plus I can pretty much blow off watching the evening news.

I think that there is an educator discount that homeschoolers can use.

They have a bit of an outsider's perspective, which I appreciate.


Reading this weekly for the last 15 years has been the single most enlightening pursuit of my life. I wish the whole world read it. (Keep in mind I once argued that the world would be better off if we all talked like John Gielgud, too).

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I enjoy NPR and BBC. I also like to read or watch sources that are considered extremely liberal and extremely conservative so that I can compare the viewpoints. I'll have to check out The News Hour.



How could I forget the BBC? :tongue_smilie:


And while I haven't had a subscription in sometime, the Christian Science Monitor has been outstanding covering international stories others are not.



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When I'm looking for Canadian news, I usually go to CBC and when I'm looking for more world news, I go to CNN - you can find world news on CBC, but I find it easier to go to CNN...there's more there. :)



(When I actually remember to read the news, that is. I'm bad for not being up on current events. Shhhh.)


(Most of the time, the news is depressing anyway. Blah.)

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