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Then you need to rub the side of your face against his legs when he leaves the house so the other cats will get the message.

Just. . .  ewww!  The other cats get the message when we don't respond to any advances and talk about our spouse.  They are intelligent cats.  Much like Neko who has finally gotten the message that he will live a much happier and longer life if he lets me sleep in in the mornings.  

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Having people over is a drag! Ain't nobody got time for that. That's what parks and libraries are for.


Do you act like a creeper, Mark? Cuz we can help you not do that. And I don't care how old anyone is, he/she must learn not to act like a creeper.


I'm not sure Texas, tell me what you're wearing first and I'll think it over. :-P


(No, I'm not a creeper. Jerk.)



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I need something to help little ds with math. Something that will help him with the concepts of addition and subtraction. He looks at a page of math and gets completely overwhelmed. He will just sit and dawdle for an hour. He can do it, but he doesn't want to. Any ideas?


When DS was going through that, I would put one problem at a time on the whiteboard. First we would walk through one with me explaining and drawing visuals, then the next one he would tell me how to solve it, I would write out what he was saying, and then he would have to copy it down on to his page.  Separating each one away from the sheet helped lessen his anxiety. 


Now he can do a whole page without the whiteboard.  We reserve the whiteboard for the really hard ones - easier to erase.







(Edited for spelling error.  Oops.)

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Per diem yay but now comes the worrying about making the mortgage payments, which wife is now freaking out about via text message. Not that I'm not worried about it, too, but we've been talking about this for over a month it's not like I sprung it. :-P


Sounds like she thought you were just kvetching and not serious.  And so she went along with it because she figured it would never happen.  And now you have done gone and did it!  Not what she was expecting, so she's freakin'.  Not that I've done that before or anything... :leaving:

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What if it is gross and nasty? Do you want me to post the recipe and you try it too? Or does posting a recipe mean that I endorse it even though I don't know if it is good or not? Tell me! The stress is killing me. . . .

I want you to make me paleo food. I'm not picky so it will do nicely. :D
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Sounds like she thought you were just kvetching and not serious.  And so she went along with it because she figured it would never happen.  And now you have done gone and did it!  Not what she was expecting, so she's freakin'.  Not that I've done that before or anything... :leaving:


Maybe an element of that, but I think she knew I was more serious than not. I think the nerves and anxiety are just taking over now it's in motion. She knows that it's pretty serious after 7 cardiac arrests and a spine cracking series of seizures. Change is needed.


We've been in our house ten years and we haven't been able to fix almost anything that needs fixing because we're always treading water. Gotta take some sort of risk to get off of this treadmill. Advancement at work is not really a thing in IT anymore except in isolated sub-industries and companies. Promotion to management and 90 hour weeks do not appeal. :P


I've got lots of ideas for self employment through creative type projects but never the time. Now I'll have a little more time in between freak outs. :P

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I saw clip on man buns the other day. The hair kind, you creepers. Apparently they're a thing now. Like hair extensions for men, except buns. I guess so you can look like Shea Lebouf or whatever.


Just sayin'.

I saw those.  I think a man needs to earn his bun like the rest of us.  Grow it out, and then you can have it.  (Not a fan of clip on lady hairpieces, either.)


Yes, I've seen man hair buns.  Because I don't look at the other kind.   ;)

Jean is gross.  She is a gross, gross person.

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Speaking of hair, I just vacuumed and had to cut the hair off the roller.  Mine and the Pyr's.  Sigh.


Also, dh had me on a wild goose chase looking for an emailed receipt from Staples because he needed to return something.  After I went to all this effort and could not find it, he told me it was actually from Office Depot.  This is how I felt about that:  :willy_nilly:  :001_huh:  :001_rolleyes:  :mad:  :banghead:  :001_unsure:  :huh:  :thumbdown:

I sigh deeply inside if dh calls me from work and says "Can you do me a favor. . ."  They are never easy things.  

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I sigh deeply inside if dh calls me from work and says "Can you do me a favor. . ."  They are never easy things.  

Never.  It's like, "Run out to the freeway with no shoes, flag down the fourteenth car you see, and ask the passenger what his favorite color is.  If there is no passenger, start over."

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She graded it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am currently ignoring all the screaming and chasing and non-academic things going on in my house (while occasionally throwing a child off of my lap) JUST to find out about your graduation, Renai.  







:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:

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I need something to help little ds with math. Something that will help him with the concepts of addition and subtraction. He looks at a page of math and gets completely overwhelmed. He will just sit and dawdle for an hour. He can do it, but he doesn't want to. Any ideas?



Education Unboxed and a set of C-rods (unless you are already doing that already, in which case I have no help for you whatsoever).  10 minutes a day, one on one. No stress.  Just fun. 


6 was a tough math year for ds, too.  C-rods would have saved us so much pain.  If only Slache had told me about them two years earlier.  




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We have little bear counters which we use. I have shown him how to use a number line for adding and subtracting. He just seems very uninterested. Last year I could set a timer and he would work well. This year he is content to just sit and stare at the wall.


I was wondering about a game that would help him memorize math facts or maybe songs or something.


Yeah, no.  The bears didn't work for ds either.


C-rods.  The classroom sized set.  And ten-frames made out of egg cartons (cut down to ten) and plastic easter eggs.  You can see that demonstrated on Education Unboxed, too (which is fabulous math training by video, for free, by a hs mom.)

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Never.  It's like, "Run out to the freeway with no shoes, flag down the fourteenth car you see, and ask the passenger what his favorite color is.  If there is no passenger, start over."

OK - why is my husband calling you up and asking you for favors?   :toetap05:   


And how can I get him to only call you and not call me?   :lol:

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Quackers and I both recommend these as well.


Yeah, what she said.


And get the classroom sized-set if you can.  It's worth it.  The plastic ones by this company, which are really like fake wood decking material so very dense, weighty, woody, and with great color.  More durable than the wood, which littles chew on.  

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Education Unboxed and a set of C-rods (unless you are already doing that already, in which case I have no help for you whatsoever). 10 minutes a day, one on one. No stress. Just fun.


6 was a tough math year for ds, too. C-rods would have saved us so much pain. If only Slache had told me about them two years earlier.




John was 2.

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Don't yell at me!

I wasn't yelling.  I was just using emphasis.  This is yelling:




But I don't ever do that unless I am saying, "I KNOW, RIGHT???" because that deserves a shout.


I know, I know.  The rules are varied and many, but you can remember them.  Write them really tiny on post its and stick them to the fridge.  They mostly stay the same, which helps.

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I wasn't yelling. I was just using emphasis. This is yelling:




But I don't ever do that unless I am saying, "I KNOW, RIGHT???" because that deserves a shout.


I know, I know. The rules are varied and many, but you can remember them. Write them really tiny on post its and stick them to the fridge. They mostly stay the same, which helps.

Tex is making pregnant women cry!

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Did you really cry? Tell the truth.


(Also, if you don't know by now that I am only serious in emergencies it is probably too late for you to figure this out.)


I called Mark a creeper. Does that help?

No. It wouldn't be hard though. I cry all the time right now. I'm not even sad, just hormonal. I cried over a Lego add earlier.

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John was 2.


So you were just letting him laze around all day?  You've ruined him, clearly.  




And hey, sorry about you not getting your vanilla bean whatever-it-was.  I'll swing by with one for you later tonight on my way home.  




This Booyah is dedicated to Hannah.  



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