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Good morning!

Howdy Green Bean!  Good to hear from you!  

(((Hazel Pup)))

Today was the first official day of tutorial, though they've already been working on assignments for the first day of class.  Dd18 went in early for Senior Breakfast and then I brought dd15 a few minutes later and they did senior photos and stuff.

Today is ds19's last day of work before leaving for school next week.  Tonight is the first community orchestra rehearsal of the season.  So many Things.


It's a First and Last Days Coffee Booyah!   


And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me).  

KrissiK Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017

Edited by Susan in TN
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23 minutes ago, Slache said:

Is she home yet?

No, they told us to pick her up at 5:00. The house has been pretty quiet and calm without her around. And no poop to clean up. Potty training isn’t going great. Middle DD isn’t very structured and I just get tired of nagging her.

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1 minute ago, KrissiK said:

No, they told us to pick her up at 5:00. The house has been pretty quiet and calm without her around. And no poop to clean up. Potty training isn’t going great. Middle DD isn’t very structured and I just get tired of nagging her.

We use the kennel method.

In the kennel for 2 hours, empty the dog, play with the dog for an hour to exhaust her, back in the kennel. Rinse and repeat. 

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On 8/7/2024 at 3:16 PM, Green Bean said:

Schools here in Houston start Monday! I find this bizarre.

Yep, I'm still alive. I keep peeking in every once in a while to see that y'all are still alive, too.

So glad to see you, GB.

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Good morning!

It's Friday.  I haven't looked at my to-do list and so am going on memory and whatever strikes me as interesting.  Right now that means repacking college supplies into smaller boxes.  And finding smaller boxes.  Unless we take out the back seat of the van, which is a multi-person, grueling task, the larger moving boxes don't fit well in the van.

Meanwhile I am cooking a giant pork shoulder roast.  The girls are packing for their weekend scout camping.  

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Good Morning!!

No COFFEE!!~D or Green Tea. I’m just hanging out in bed with Lilly-cat. Slept late. it’s been a tiring week.

I got the groceries yesterday, so today I am going to clean the house, fold mountains of laundry, bake bread and experiment making kefir. the grains I ordered came yesterday.

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I'm now off for a full week.   As always, lots on my to-do list but my schedule is more under my control. This past week's camp was crazy.  It was raining, usually torrentially, everyday and I think it made all the younger kids (which was basically a group of six 7-9 year old boys) insane.   They all seemed to enjoy it though.

After this week off, just two more weeks of camp that I'm mainly not working but instead will be working on organizing and getting my classes ready while I'm there as back-up if needed, then another week off (Labor Day) and classes start.   

This summer flew by, as usual.

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Ok…. so…..we’s thinking that Hazel is not what they told us she was. She’s been growing like crazy. I did some research on the internet and put her weight in a calculator and we are coming to the conclusion that she is likely a Rott-Dobie mix. She’s about 9-10 weeks old and she weighs 11 lbs. The dog calculator says she’ll be about 57 lbs. as an adult. That’s no chiweenie.

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45 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Ok…. so…..we’s thinking that Hazel is not what they told us she was. She’s been growing like crazy. I did some research on the internet and put her weight in a calculator and we are coming to the conclusion that she is likely a Rott-Dobie mix. She’s about 9-10 weeks old and she weighs 11 lbs. The dog calculator says she’ll be about 57 lbs. as an adult. That’s no chiweenie.

Chiweenies are probably easier to get families to adopt than rott-dobies.

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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Ok…. so…..we’s thinking that Hazel is not what they told us she was. She’s been growing like crazy. I did some research on the internet and put her weight in a calculator and we are coming to the conclusion that she is likely a Rott-Dobie mix. She’s about 9-10 weeks old and she weighs 11 lbs. The dog calculator says she’ll be about 57 lbs. as an adult. That’s no chiweenie.

Tally, too. We we're told 30-40, but we're thinking 60.

We don't mind.

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6 hours ago, Slache said:

Tally, too. We we're told 30-40, but we're thinking 60.

We don't mind.

We really don’t either. She’s a very sweet tempered dog. We had a rott-dobie-shepherd mix when I was a kid and she was the best dog ever.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!



Hazel and I are enjoying a beautiful morning outside. She’s actually doing pretty good with her cone.  Although she’ll sometimes just get so frustrated with it she just plops down on the ground with a sigh.

Nothing else going on today. I gotta get middle DD done with her summer school class. She is fairly cooperative when I push her, but she just doesn’t like doing it. Drives me crazy. And it all has to be done by Thursday.

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The afternoon chamber concert went pretty well.  The conductor took the last movement of the Haydn symphony so fast I really couldn't play a couple of the bits but ds29 said he didn't notice.  Picked up Pizza! Pizza! on the way home for dinner.


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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I am in the long, complicated process of talking with our local S.S. office about dd18's survivor benefits.  It took a good long while for the person to understand the reason for my call and took a couple wrong turns in the process, but we may be headed in the right direction now.  At this point, dd is having to talk with them to somehow give them permission to talk with me since she turned 18 and they can't tell me anything.  I am not confident that anything helpful will come of this.

OK so it doesn't look like they got any of the paperwork I sent in.  Or it's backed up several months.  Svengo. But the representative said we can come in to the Big City office with all our paperwork and documents etc and she will get it taken care of. 

Now to make chili.


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Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!



DD1 started school yesterday. she is going to junior college in our town, She had only one class yesterday, so that was a good start, Today she has three classes and a biology lab. The other two girls start tomorrow.  Last night was orientation at their school. What a zoo. 

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Good afternoon!

Ran some errands this morning - picked up photos at Walgreens, stopped by the dentist to pay a bill, then Whole Foods for cheesecake and misc., and Kroger for the rest of the stuff.  I ran into ds29 at Kroger and he picked up some cheese to bring home so dd15 could finish making mac & cheese while I finished my shopping.

Then got all the rest of the chili into freezer bags.  I realized that since I am no longer making meals for 8 people (down to 4), I may need to rework my bulk dinner recipes.  As it is, I am packaging up some smaller quantities to give to dd21/sil.

Right now I am lazing around a bit before getting started on the tomato bisque.



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No one is helping with my Lang Arts post!! I need help! As usual, cannot decide which curriculum.

Wild and crazy... I have been working out a lot and am so happy with my results and strength. My endurance is much more than I thought it would ever be again. Ds12 and I are working out together quite a bit which has been fun. We work out most mornings very early, and I go to a group one night a week. I bought a summer swim pass and have been taking the kids swimming nearly every afternoon. I've been organizing and purging. Unfortunately, I didn't do the interior house projects like painting. Dh has had several big outdoor projects that he's finishing. I did a lot of flower gardening... really went wild there, but no veggies. We do have berries though. I made 24 pints of jam last weekend. We've also been doing a bit of mountain biking where we can fit it. We went to the other side of the state for a week about 2 weeks ago and had fun, went to zoo etc. But it was busy and hectic. Was so glad to come home.

Wild and crazy or maybe more full and free. Full days of freeing activities. It's been awesome. Didn't do the last couple weeks of history or any spelling during the summer. So we are starting behind and I feel like a failure, but a fit, healthy, happy failure.

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4 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Wild and crazy or maybe more full and free. Full days of freeing activities. It's been awesome. Didn't do the last couple weeks of history or any spelling during the summer. So we are starting behind and I feel like a failure, but a fit, healthy, happy failure.

Start where you are! You restored your family's energy level and are in a good place to simply make progress.

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Good morning!

I am soon on my way out the door to bring dd18 to the Big City Social Security Administration so we can hopefully get things taken care of.  Svengo.  I think I have all the necessary paperwork and documentation.  Hopefully they will accept copies because I mailed them the originals, which they may or may not have.  I broke down sobbing a bit during breakfast prayer because it is a hard, sad day for us - dh died 3 years ago today, and the memories still feel traumatic but manageable.  Later today we will get the van packed up to bring ds19 to college in the morning.


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