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I've had three at once, at one time. One died under suspicious causes when I was 9 months pregnant - he was about 10 years old. Another got attacked by a bigger dog and we had to put him down. We're down to one dog now.

I'm sorry.

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Funny.  Blue-Eyed Quarterback* calls Slache MY stalker.    


(*Blue-Eyed Quarterback is not dh's real name)



Just popping in to clarify that.  Off to a party!


How does he throw the ball with a wing?!?


I'd give good money to see that, I'll tell you.

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Funny.  Blue-Eyed Quarterback* calls Slache MY stalker.    


(*Blue-Eyed Quarterback is not dh's real name)



Just popping in to clarify that.  Off to a party!


I actually read this as Blue-eyed Quackerback, for some odd reason...

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I have fallen behind on this thread, but I have to relate my extremely interesting dream for which I do NOT need Freud for interpretation.


I dreamed that dh's sister had a baby but she did not want it.  She gave it to me.  Her mother (MIL) was going to raise it and moved to a new house to do so.  However, I was the one holding the baby, and as time went on and the night passed and the next day came, I realized that the baby needed to eat. I thought about nursing the baby but realized that my milk had dried up a long time ago.  I told MIL I needed to call SIL and ask what formula I should give the baby.  MIL then was all mysterious and indicated that SIL had taken care of everything and that "Cousin Cynthia" would be calling soon.  Evidently, Cousin Cynthia would adopt the baby and SIL had the baby so Cousin Cynthia could have it.  Then dh came in and announced that the baby's name would be "Jacob Mule".  I told him that we could not name the baby Mule.  In the end, what I realized was that Cousin Cynthia never called, MIL didn't take the baby, SIL had gotten the heck out of Dodge and I was left holding the little thing.  He was a sweet and perfect little baby, and he didn't even cry.  I knew I would need to raise him.  So I decided to do so.


The baby is Nan.  She is stubborn like a mule.  She tried to insist on staying in the van in the driveway yesterday when we came back from Sonic rather than getting out and coming into the house.  I had to do fancy talking to get her to agree to come in.  Also, everyone else has dropped the "baby", and I am left holding the bag.  She is not too much trouble, though.  :)


Also, MORE TORNADOES AND HUGE HAIL HERE. UGH.  Go away, spring.  You suck.  (I said "suck".)

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I have fallen behind on this thread, but I have to relate my extremely interesting dream for which I do NOT need Freud for interpretation.


This was quite an interesting read, texasmama. It's a good thing you're a therapist. Besides you having Nan, the kitten saga had me thinking something completely different.

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This was quite an interesting read, texasmama. It's a good thing you're a therapist. Besides you having Nan, the kitten saga had me thinking something completely different.


And here I was thinking that maybe there was an adoption on the horizon.  But maybe that should be Quackers.  Working all day on a beautiful Saturday is not conducive to clear thinking.

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I feel like this often.

I saw this really horrible thing about abandoned newborns in North Korea and I was just bawling like a baby. I held my hands out to the computer and said "Give them to me! I'll take 4 right now. No questions asked." My husband said if I ever came home with more than 2 I'd have to take some back.

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In other news, 15yo dd told me this morning that she doesn't do "school" well. She'd rather just homeschool. It helps that a friend of hers that she's known a while through dance lasted even less in this performing arts school before returning to homeschooling and community college. Neither of us knew she had homeschooled before.

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If I never married I'd probably run an orphanage.


Ever since having my first baby, I can't bear the thought of little babes in orphanages with no one to hold them and love them.  You know how they say orphan babies don't even cry, because they've learned that no one will answer them?  So I've decided that when I'm old and grey and widowed, I'm NOT retiring to a cushy life in some Florida retirement community.  I'm going to go live in an orphanage abroad and rock all the babies to sleep, all day long, every day.  And sing to them and pray for them.


That's what my grandpa did for all his great-grandkids, when he was too crippled and old to do much else.  He's been gone about seven months now. I miss him.  

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Ever since having my first baby, I can't bear the thought of little babes in orphanages with no one to hold them and love them. You know how they say orphan babies don't even cry, because they've learned that no one will answer them? So I've decided that when I'm old and grey and widowed, I'm NOT retiring to a cushy life in some Florida retirement community. I'm going to go live in an orphanage abroad and rock all the babies to sleep, all day long, every day. And sing to them and pray for them.


That's what my grandpa did for all his great-grandkids, when he was too crippled and old to do much else. He's been gone about seven months now. I miss him.

There are a lot of ministries that do that that you could get involved with.

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How does he throw the ball with a wing?!?


I'd give good money to see that, I'll tell you.



I actually read this as Blue-eyed Quackerback, for some odd reason...






Blue-Eyed Quackerback throwing with his wing is probably closer to the truth.  Some people just aren't born to be quarterbacks.  But he was cute in his jersey nevertheless.  I'll keep him. :001_wub:

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I have fallen behind on this thread, but I have to relate my extremely interesting dream for which I do NOT need Freud for interpretation.


I dreamed that dh's sister had a baby but she did not want it.  She gave it to me.  Her mother (MIL) was going to raise it and moved to a new house to do so.  However, I was the one holding the baby, and as time went on and the night passed and the next day came, I realized that the baby needed to eat. I thought about nursing the baby but realized that my milk had dried up a long time ago.  I told MIL I needed to call SIL and ask what formula I should give the baby.  MIL then was all mysterious and indicated that SIL had taken care of everything and that "Cousin Cynthia" would be calling soon.  Evidently, Cousin Cynthia would adopt the baby and SIL had the baby so Cousin Cynthia could have it.  Then dh came in and announced that the baby's name would be "Jacob Mule".  I told him that we could not name the baby Mule.  In the end, what I realized was that Cousin Cynthia never called, MIL didn't take the baby, SIL had gotten the heck out of Dodge and I was left holding the little thing.  He was a sweet and perfect little baby, and he didn't even cry.  I knew I would need to raise him.  So I decided to do so.


The baby is Nan.  She is stubborn like a mule.  She tried to insist on staying in the van in the driveway yesterday when we came back from Sonic rather than getting out and coming into the house.  I had to do fancy talking to get her to agree to come in.  Also, everyone else has dropped the "baby", and I am left holding the bag.  She is not too much trouble, though.   :)


Also, MORE TORNADOES AND HUGE HAIL HERE. UGH.  Go away, spring.  You suck.  (I said "suck".)


Reminds me of my mom's infamous recurring dream back in 1988.  She kept waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, screaming about the missing baby.  Night after night for WEEKS.  Then one afternoon she found a little potted lemon tree shoved in the back of a closet.  Apparently some men doing work on the house earlier that year had moved it out of the way and she hadn't realized until then that it was not in its usual spot in her bedroom.  


The Missing Baby dream stopped.  

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