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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week 11


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

I "mindfully" bought two pairs of jeans (new). Doh! They are nice, though. *blush*


I also went into a B&N today, with pretty much the same rationale as an alcoholic who tells himself he's going to the bar to watch football and eat peanuts. In an amazing show of resolve, I put one of three books back! However - new books happened.

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This past week was not my best.


On Wednesday dh and I attended a political fundraiser for a friend running for city council. We live across the street from the district line so we can't vote for him.


On Thursday I succumbed to the siren call of ChikFilA lemonade while driving to the PA WTM meet.


On Friday I bought a Kindle book.


Tonight we attended our parish's annual St Patrick's Day dinner dance. Money for the tickets, for the raffles (won a gift card for the homebrew store!), and for the obligatory 50-50 :rolleyes:


And tomorrow we'll be taking dd and a friend to see "Swan Lake" in Philly (the tickets were dd's bday gift), followed by dinner out.



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Other than the $20 I spent on bland food for sick people and a Redbox movie the boys have been begging for, I spent nada on stuff since Monday. I figured out the changes the library made to ILL and used that instead of buying a book.


I would pay good money for a cure for stomach viruses, though.

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Ugh! No doubt! Sorry! Those are no fun at all.

No, not fun. What really ticks me off is that we had it in December, too. And I was in the hospital with a bacterial GI bug in August. I. Am. Done.


It does make it easy to not go shopping or out to eat. I don't want to touch or eat anything that has been touched by anyone!

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Nothing unusual this past week although this week dh is buying a reciprocating saw, a DVD player (possibly a new tv as well, we have the old style tvs) and who knows what else. He has an extra paycheck coming up so that's why we are able to do this. The saw is so that he can tear apart a pop up camper and make it into a regular trailer, the DVD player is for the living room (and possible tv) right now we are using dd1's DVD player and we don't have the original remote for the TV so we have to do this whole long process with the buttons on the front of the TV to switch it to watch movies or play the WII.

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Took the kids to B&N last night and spent $100. That was the first time since January though, I think... so much better than our usual 3 times a week! Other than that, we're just hanging out waiting to move next Saturday. The packers came on Friday and the truck comes on Tuesday to pick everything up. We're getting excited to hit the road!

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Quill, I love your sense of humor!


I bought new running shoes, which is always a happy thing for me. I also splurged ($25) on a new running hat. The visor I have been wearing for several years was disgusting looking and stinky. I could smell it when I was running. :( It was originally black, but much of it had turned white due to the excessive amount of sweat produced by my body when my heart rate goes up. I have been at my brother's house for awhile, and every time he saw it he said, "I can't believe you're wearing that. It looks like something a guy would wear." I love my new hat! I've decided that I will wash it out every time I run to prevent another nasty hat phenomenon. :)


I also spent $150 on marathon registration for my son and I. Eeek! It will be my first and I had quite a knot in my gut as I hit "buy" because I realized that I actually have to do it now. I've spent the weekend reading up on how not to bonk.

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Quill, I love your sense of humor!


I bought new running shoes, which is always a happy thing for me. I also splurged ($25) on a new running hat. The visor I have been wearing for several years was disgusting looking and stinky. I could smell it when I was running. :( It was originally black, but much of it had turned white due to the excessive amount of sweat produced by my body when my heart rate goes up. I have been at my brother's house for awhile, and every time he saw it he said, "I can't believe you're wearing that. It looks like something a guy would wear." I love my new hat! I've decided that I will wash it out every time I run to prevent another nasty hat phenomenon. :)


I also spent $150 on marathon registration for my son and I. Eeek! It will be my first and I had quite a knot in my gut as I hit "buy" because I realized that I actually have to do it now. I've spent the weekend reading up on how not to bonk.

Thank you. :)


You're brave! I was thinking of resuming running this spring; I was running faithfully and had notions of doing a half-marathon, but I quit when life got busy.


The Grooming of The Hair is an obstacle. I cannot wash my hair every day and therefore cannot sweat profusely every day. I'm not sure how to get around the hair obstacle.

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My husband has been working long and weird hours which means that our social outing/restaurant spending is minimal.  He did have a day off midweek which happened to coincide with glorious weather. We went to a public park that has a lovely 4 mile walking path around the fingers of a meandering lake.  The sunshine and fresh air does a world of good.


I decided to drop some money at the locally owned game store on board and card games.  They might be cheaper online but I like giving my money to small businesses.  (For those who are interested, I bought an expansion set for Dominion and a couple of decks of Pairs.)


And there was that trip to Target for shower curtain liners, detergent, etc.  The only thing that I bought that wasn't on the list were two pairs of shoelaces--something I forgot to write on the list!





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I've been reluctant to even look at these threads.  Since I became a mom, I have been pretty bad at *not* buying things we don't need.  Glad to see I'm not the only person here who spends money.  :P


Last week I placed an Amazon order for (mega TMI alert) stuff to healthfully deal with perimenopause i.e. willnotpause.  I honestly consider this a health matter, even though it is a "choice."


I also bought several paperback books for my kids.  What can I say - book-loving kids are my weak spot.  Some of them were earned rewards, some not.


I bought a couple of trees so my kids can plant them and get a scout badge.  :P  This is an investment, no?  I also bought some new light switches so our house doesn't burn down, so I was at the hardware store anyway.  (I probably shouldn't disclose how much I spent for the Pinewood Derby decoration materials the previous week.  Man, that is a racket.)


OK, here's a frivolous purchase.  I bought this about a week ago.  I was sick of them hanging sloppy sleeping bags and blankets around their bunkbed.  I probably just disqualified myself from this thread.  http://smile.amazon.com/Twin-Playhouse-Curtain-Color-Additional/dp/B004Y4RZP6/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1426447054&sr=8-8&keywords=bunk+bed+curtain


I ordered some organic fruit gummies, also for my kids.  I may have ordered some other healthy snacks, not sure, and I got my "naturebox" of surprise snacks which is delivered monthly.  Also put a chunk of money down on my kids' expensive whole foods gummy vitamins.  (Super spoiled kids over here.)  But hey, if they are eating whole food vitamins, that means I save on actual food, right?  :P  OK, maybe not.


In the wee hours of this morning, I shopped online for some furniture to better accommodate my kids' books and studying without taking up any space or making the place look more cluttered.  There were many tempting options.  What ended up in my cart was a foldable/portable laptop tray table and rechargeable desk lamp, and I think the total cost will be around $30 or $35 IIRC.  I also ordered a media storage unit to store paperbacks, a shoe rack for my kids' closet, and some small office organizer things for my work desk.  These may sound frivolous, but if they cut down on the clutter and prolong my sanity, they are worth it.


So what did I *not* buy?  LOL.  Well, I didn't buy anything for myself other than the aforesaid health related stuff.  I dug around in the basement and brought up a pile of old books I have had for decades, rather than go buy a new book to read.  It should keep me busy for at least half a year.  I tried to replace aforesaid light switch myself to save money, but the wires were too thick for me to do it manually, so we ended up calling someone.  Oh well, I tried.  I talked my housemates into refurbishing our chairs instead of buying a new dining set.


On the horizon:  my kids' school is doing a musical for grades 3-4.  One of my kids got a "speaking part" (about 1 line) and I was told she needs a costume - a child's peasant dress from the 1200s.  I looked online and there is exactly 1 costume that may work, IIRC about $20-$30.  I put it in my cart.  Then my other kid told me she needs a townsperson's costume too.  I asked the teacher and she said she's still working out the details and she'll let me know.  One thing I can tell you:  I won't be making a dress.  I do not have time, nor any particular talent.  Nice thought, but no.  I hope they figure something out that doesn't cost me a ton.

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OK, here's a frivolous purchase. I bought this about a week ago. I was sick of them hanging sloppy sleeping bags and blankets around their bunkbed. I probably just disqualified myself from this thread. http://smile.amazon....unk bed curtain



Nobody's disqualified! :) Or else I would be.


And I am *THISCLOSE* to throwing my son's sleeping bag in the trash, because the zipper is broken and he piles it on his bed. It always looks ugly (to me) because it won't zip and stay neat! I can't roll it because of the broken zipper and folding it is moot because the nylon just slides all messy in twenty seconds. So - we all have our bedding issues!

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But on a side note, someone asked to "borrow" a chunk of money (again) and I can't ever seem to say no to this person.  I don't even want to add up the amount I've given her over the last several years, but it's definitely well into five digits.  It seems sad to try to save $35 by fixing an electrical problem myself, and then next day agree to give someone $X00, with no accountability and no end in sight.  Not sure where that sort of thing fits in the "nothing new" concept.

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But on a side note, someone asked to "borrow" a chunk of money (again) and I can't ever seem to say no to this person. I don't even want to add up the amount I've given her over the last several years, but it's definitely well into five digits. It seems sad to try to save $35 by fixing an electrical problem myself, and then next day agree to give someone $X00, with no accountability and no end in sight. Not sure where that sort of thing fits in the "nothing new" concept.

"Oh honey, you know I would be delighted to loan you more money that you'll go to your grave without repaying, but I've made a commitment to fast from using money for anything extra! So i'm sure you see why I can't spot you now."


;) I know I wouldn't actually say that. But it would spring to mind. I recall you have said in the past that there is a person in your life who uses you as a debit card. Seriously, I do think you should stop enabling her. I am a generous person, but I infrequently "lend" things, especially money. My policy is to only "lend" something if I am fine with giving it away. If I care about getting it back, I don't lend it to begin with, because it leads to resentment.

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I know I won't get it back, and I've told her not to worry about it.  I just don't see how a person could need that much that often.  I got her a full-time job.  I can't understand how her needs can be that high, and I don't have the guts to ask.  Well, if I ask, it is always some "emergency" such as an unexpected vet bill or car repair etc.  Every other week.  Sigh.


Sorry, I'm messing up this thread I think.

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