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What is wrong with these kids?!


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This morning was so terrible I decided to cancel all of our morning schoolwork after breakfast and send everyone back to their beds to nap or look at books. I expected one to be tired and cranky because he has an ear infection on the mend, but everyone else should have gotten plenty of sleep last night. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are coming down with something. We have had the flu, a respiratory virus, and two different stomach bugs so far this year, each lasting a couple weeks from the time the first to the last passed them around. I'm so tired of disinfecting...

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It sometimes is contagious (more than viruses) usually one crabby person equals multiple crabby people. Finggers crossed that is the case, and you all are not getting sick again.

So true!!! If my dd starts crying my ds3 will also start crying without fail.


And if Mummy is cranky that is the most contagious of all.

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Ugh. I feel your pain. Sounds like we have had a very similar year so far :glare:


I don't know what it is but we have never been so sick, so much before. It is driving. me. insane.  I realized today that I'd certifiably lost it when I barely avoided going into a full blown panic attack over the fact that DS3 woke up from a good, long nap very cranky and with a very runny nose. (I'm telling myself that he's still riding out the teething thing we just went through. Please, dear god, let it just be that.)  This past Tuesday was the first time the kids left the house since Valentines. We eat healthy, wash our hands, and my normally tidy house has spent the last two months being disgustingly clean and sanitized so I don't get it. At all.




Hopefully no one is getting sick and it was just one of those off mornings!

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Almost everyone was better by yesterday afternoon. Other than the one who is sick, only one was still cranky by the end of the day. His attitude will be fixed by an afternoon of hard work outside with his father this afternoon, which was overdue anyway. ;)

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