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Moms of daughters...do you let them wear black?

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I don't have a problem with the kids in black, but I have a hard time finding kids' clothes in black. I mean, if I really searched through catalogs and online I know it's out there, but there's been a few times that we were going to go to a family outing, I knew pics were going to be taken, and I wanted us to all be matching. I'm always in black, so I've tried to look for black for the kids last minute at Target with no luck.

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I don't black is so much considered "Fast" now as its looked at as more that metal/evil/anarchist/rebel/"bad" boy/girl kind of thing. I wear a lot of it. :D Its my favorite color anyway. I like the mystery of it.


And it all depends on the context its in too. Obviously a black evening dress is going to send different signals. As is black worn in more of a preppy style. It all depends on the way in which it is worn. A "hooker dress" is a hooker dress, no matter what color.


As for little kids, I have no problem with them in black. Its just clothes. Like a PP said: boy there's lots of other things much more important than that.


Just my $.02.


:iagree: It seems like in my area, black is a new normal for a lot of teens. Skaters are always wearing tiny tight black jeans(by the way, how is that comfortable to skate??). This past year a bunch of the teens at our church were dressing like this to Sunday services. I know some of them were rebellious. I've wondered if there is a connection here. Does anyone know? I've had to preach to myself not to judge by appearances, it just seems like a lot of darkness on one body.

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Skaters are always wearing tiny tight black jeans(by the way, how is that comfortable to skate??).


Off topic: when my oldest starting skateboarding and asked for these "girl" jeans that are tight, I absolutely didn't understand. We actually have to go to the girls' section to buy his jeans for skating. After hanging out at the skatepark with him and talking to the owners and skaters, I see how the loose, normal guy jeans do stand a better chance of getting in the way or tripping them up. Too tight is obviously weird but the tighter, "girl" jeans definitely are better for skateboarding.

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I appreciate the color black's versatility and stain-camoflauging capability, so I have no issues with letting a child wear it at any time. My youngest wears lots of black. Once in awhile it has garnered glances and whispers from the type of people prone to upset over such inconsequential matters.

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My mother didnt let me wear it either. A boyfriend bought me my first little black dress when I was in my twenties. I have blonde hair (duh) and I like wearing black but it has taken me years relaly to allow myself ot wear it.

As for my daughter, I dont control her in that way at all. She wears black sometimes. She has an amazing dress sense, never inappropriate but sometimes very bohemian- I dont want to mess with her style because she has a clear sense of what she likes. I didnt, at her age.

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My Mom didn't want me to wear red lipstick or nail polish because it was for "harlots and Jezebels," but I did it anyway. :D I still wear black and red whenever the heck I want.


Sorry, I don't have any daughters or any advice, I just found your post very interesting.


Yes, I heard this when I was in high school. My chemistry teacher (at a private Christian school) didn't allow his daughters to wear red clothes, carry red purses, etc...because red was the color of "harlots." My mom never put it quite that way, but she did say that for nail polish I needed to stick with shades of pink. She said red was too adult for me.


She didn't really like black, either, but she didn't forbid it. My mom associated black with goths and punks. I think she was more against a certain look than the color itself.

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