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Algebra curriculum question...

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Hi!  Please tell me your favorite Algebra 1 curriculum. My son is currently in a university model school, but we will be completely homeschool next year. This year we have struggled with the material being taught in class (not very well) and then my son does not know how to complete his homework. We have then needed to reteach the material. He is doing wonderfully and is prepared to move on, but I need something that will be video or virtual as I am not prepared to teach Algebra and I would like something he could watch over again if needed.


I saw the post with all of the math links and plan to search through them all,  I just want to know what you all love, and what you did not like. I am familiar with MUS and thought at first that it might work, but it seems that not many use MUS at a higher level and I would like to know why. 


We are also considering The Well Trained Mind Academy - anyone have experience with their Algebra 1?


Thank you all!  

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I like Holt Algebra 2007 (and geometry, and algebra 2!). It's pretty easy to find student and teacher text used online - the videos as well, but we've always been able to access the videos for 1 here: http://go.hrw.com/gopages/ma/alg1_07.html


Jann in TX, a long-time member here, does online classes. I've never used them, but I know lots of people here do and love them. 


The only thing I know about the WTM algebra course is that you can choose either AOPS/Singapore method or Saxon.


In other threads, posters have often mentioned that MUS does not cover all of the expected topics at each level (in high school). 



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Hopefully this thread will get pinned soon, but it is probably just the links you mentioned.


We used MUS and switched and would be glad to share why. Their high school level Algebra sequence doesn't cover all the topics or the depth of topics that a typical high school math sequence does. Additionally, for struggling students, it doesn't offer a ton of practice. I had one child bored stiff, she could watch the videos and take the test and ace the class and another who struggled and I had to supplement. Neither had the Algebra base they needed when they switched programs. I own all the MUS programs through Pre-Calc. I wrote the descriptions for them in the thread above. I don't consider them solid college prep, although I consider their elementary series solid.


If you have come from MUS I will tell you we had great success at switching to Lial's Algebra. If you want a class to go with that, Jann in TX teaches one and I know IRL friends as well as boardie friends who have had great success with the class. Lial's is easy to switch to from MUS because it is also mastery based and teaches each concept beginning to end. If the student hasn't seen the concept before or has had a lighter introduction to it than expected, they will be able to understand fully from this coverage. There are tons of problems, we do odds. Tests are included. There are more topics and far more difficult problems, more depth to each topic, with Lial's than with MUS. The year each child switched (different for each of my kids) was a long year as they didn't really have the base coming in, but it was worth the time to get to a more solid footing. Oh, it is also inexpensive.

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Quoting myself in this thread:

We used MUS from K through Algebra. I have a degree in math, fwiw. I thought MUS was strong and solid in the elementary years (with the exception of word problems which we supplemented using Singapore's Challenging Word Problems). I wanted to use it for high school, but decided after Algebra that it was not up to par. That was in 2008, and it has been improved on since then, though I'm still not convinced. Algebra 1 did not teach quadratic equations, which is standard in Algebra 1. I don't think the newest edition has it either, but I could be wrong. It was my understanding that they incorporated the Honors portions into the standard text. We used MUS Algebra along with LoF Algebra. MUS was easy-peasy. LoF was challenging, but did not fit ds's learning style.


We used Foerster's Algebra in 8th grade.  Here is my review:


We used Foerster’s Algebra in 8th grade after completing MUS Algebra (easy) and LoF Algebra (challenging).  With 20/20 hindsight, I wish I had done something different for 7th grade, perhaps MUS Algebra and Patty Paper Geometry.  I was able to obtain the 1999 student book and 1999 teacher book used.  I purchased the solutions manual new through Prentice Hall.



  • Clear, easy to understand explanations
  • Explicit, step-by-step working through problems
  • Sufficient practice and continual review of concepts
  • Clear building upon and relationships between concepts
  • Explicit demonstration of how to apply concepts to word problems
  • Challenging, real-life word problems
  • Solutions manual provides worked out solutions for every problem
  • Solid preparation for ACT/SAT, sciences, college level math
  • Amusing names in many word problems:  Moe Delaune, Mary Thon, Fran Tick, etc.
  • Math Without Borders DVDs available



  • None


Here is an example from Foerster’s Chapter 6 on the Quadratic Formula:

In Foerster's Chapter 6 they teach the quadratic formula. That's

x = [-b +- sqrt(b2-4ac)]/2a

(not easy to type here)
Within this chapter, they teach the vertical motion formula: d = rt - 5t(squared)
They have a section with 12 problems. The TM says to take 2 days to do these problems, but only do 3 problems a day. Here is the first one:
Football problem - A football is kicked into the air with an initial upward velocity of 25 meters per second (m/sec).
a. Calculate it's height after 2 seconds; 3 seconds
b. When will it be 20 meters above the ground?
c. Copy the diagram. Show the answers to part (a) in relationship to the 20 meters of part b.
d. When will the ball hit the ground?


We used 1999 student and teacher text. The solution manual was from the publisher and it had no date on it.  It worked fine.


student 020132458X

teacher 0201324598

solution 0201861003


FWIW - I have a degree in math and ds is math-oriented.

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I agree with Sue in St. Pete.  We are using Foerster Algebra 1 this year for my 8th grader.  We love the book....lot's of examples, clear explanations, real world word problems.  My dd is 13, she is young for an 8th grader, but she gets it and she likes the textbook.  Prior to that, we used Singapore Math 7A for a pre-algebra, algebra course. 

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We used and have been very happy with Live Online Math (virtual), Derek Owens (video), and teaching textbooks (interactive CD). All have video lectures to rewatch (live online math records the live class sessions) According to child that used all three for different math courses, Derek is most rigorous (took the honors courses), then live online math, then teaching textbooks.  Really, they are all my favorites and all hands off for me. Difference is child's learning style. One preferred Derek for educational reasons, but preferred the social interaction with live online math. Other loves teaching textbooks and simply cannot relate to Owens videos.  I believe all three have samples that you can tryout to see which will work best for your child.

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We used TabletClass and AoPS (Art of Problem Solving) for Algebra 1.  Many here love AoPS.  However, I will tell you that it is not designed for the average student.  It is super challenging with quite a few questions from math competitions.  Consequently, I would not recommend it unless your son loves math.  It is designed to teach good math students how to wrestle with very challenging problems.  TabletClass is video based with clear instruction and fully worked out solutions that are explained.  It's a great program with adequately challenging material.


This year we are taking a 'live' online math class at Wilson Hill Academy.  It happens to be my son's all time favorite math program yet.  So I highly recommend Wilson Hill's live courses which go all the way through Calculus.  For Algebra 1 & 2 they use Dolciani's texts which are excellent.  The student, teacher interaction is really great including fielding all of his more difficult questions. We've liked it so much he is already signed up for Algebra 2 this Fall.


BTW, we started with MUS all the way through Pre-Algebra.  But we found it lacking in scope and rigor among other things.  Moving out of MUS to TabletClass was one of the single best decisions we've made for ds13.  The difference was like night and day with TC being better for him in every possible aspect.

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I am not a strong math teacher. For my son I choose Saxon, he did it with no complaints and did well. My artsy daughter needed another approach, she uses Life of Fred. I prefer Life of Fred, but admit that even though it seems to be going well- it scares me. It's a non traditional program and with a skill subject, but it seems to be working. I will test her in May with another placement test and see how she does.

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We are currently using WTMA algebra 1 online. Last year we used TabletClass Algebra 1. WTMA far surpasses anything that we did with TC. The teacher support is great and it is nice when someone else can pinpoint exactly where my daughter needs to focus on skills.Having the same woman who reminds you to take out the trash also tell you to show your work more clearly is not as effective. :)  I would say that the WTMA Saxon Algebra class is rigorous and very thorough. My daughter likes it and likes her instructor. We are very happy with the situation. The in-class participation with other students has been very valuable. I will not go back to a math that is not in a live online classroom. 

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