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If you used right start... e-g? then? X-post

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If you used rightstart in the past where did you go when you finished? Will you share your math sequence with me? Can you go from e straight into g? Do you move into algebra after?

We are in e now, 4.

If g comes next, 5th.

Seems early to have algebra in 6th?


I feel like I'm missing something. Please enlighten me!

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Haven't BTDT, but I have a tentative plan to do RS A-G (F is coming out in 2018 or so) followed by the Jousting Armadillos set. It is a 3-year Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 course developed for a private school where they use it for grades 6-8. I might add in some Key to Series workbooks for whichever skills need more practice. HTH!

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I think g is supposed to take 1.5 years and you should concurrently do videotext algebra. If you ask on their forums, they will advise you.


For us, RS was a great fit until the end of E when it became a fail - so much so that we quit about 20 lessons from the end.

Can I ask why? What changed? What did you switch to?

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Edition 1 (which I'm assuming you are using if you are in E now...) goes from E to Geometry which got nicknamed level G.  (Edition 2 will have a level F before going into the same Geometry)


Their Geometry is supposed to take 2 years - and they recommend starting VideoText Algebra (module A which is pre-algebra) about 1/2 way through their Geometry.)


If I had that young of a student finishing level E, I'd be tempted to do a year of some other stuff - probably Simply Charlotte Mason's business math combined with Hands On Equations.  Oh, and probably 'Calculus without Tears' which is designed to start after 4th grade math.


My oldest is 11 and in Level D and I'm not sure what I'll be doing after level E.... he will be the age that RS recommends skipping their Geometry (or doing it on the side....) to go into pre-algebra/algebra.  


VideoText looks SO EXPENSIVE.


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I finished Rightstart last year with my oldest. We completed most of MM5 this past year (mostly independently) and have started working out of MM6. My son can't really teach it to himself as designed, so I am spending a lot of time with him on math on a daily basis now that we are hitting more new concepts. I busted out the VideoText A I bought used two years ago for $5 today (which is why I am here searching for threads about VideoText). I just can't be spending so much time on math (this is my oldest son of 5 kids). I think it will seem really easy to him after MM, and will give him a boost of confidence, and I expect to need Module B pretty quickly. I may even spring for RS G and start slowly working through that too. I just needed a RS drawing break. I think he'll handle the drawing lessons more independently now. In total, I am still trying to figure out out post-RS journey, but I think switching to VideoText is going to be returning to the better direction for us. That said, I am in love with the word problems in MM. :)

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Wonder around to various curriculum hoping to find one that fits..... :)


My son used B-E, like Emily however we couldn't make it all the way through E, he started hating math, completely and utterly dreading it. So, we went solely to Beast Academy, which we were using alongside RS at that point. We took a bit of a break and did only living math for a bit and then returning to mostly BA supplemented by various other programs and living math resources. He used Horizons as a spiral review for awhile and now CLE for the same purposes. I tried MM a few times but it was wretched for my former RS lover. Too many problems, too little white space, ick. It might work better now that he is older but considering our past experiences I'm reluctant to try it again.


At this point I'm just trying to look ahead to what topics we need to cover before moving to algebra. I considered some kind of pre-A after RS but their sequence is a bit off from other publishers and after I looked at all we still needed to do I didn't think he was ready. I also considered Video Text but (1) it is expensive (2) RS had already lost its charm and (3) I don't think video instruction works the best for him. Now at this point I think we're just about ready to move on, I considered Jousting Armadillos but I think we're going to do Jacobs Algebra slowly, mixed with some Foersters with perhaps CLE for continued spiral review. 


RS really worked brilliantly for us, until it just didn't. It was so great for my math loving but writing phobic boy. I did have a bit of trauma from some of the lessons however, especially in B! I was only slightly disappointed that dd outright rejected RS it was bittersweet to sell it all.

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What is it about level E...LOL! We had a similar Level E experience. DD used A-D beautifully, then we only made it a couple months in to E before we had total meltdown. For us, DD really, really wanted math independence. She was so sick of me giving her a "lecture" about math, and wanted to be able to read for herself what she was supposed to learn. We tried a bit of MM and it just wasn't DD's cup of tea. At the point we ended E, she was able to jump into 400s of CLE, and just move quickly thru some concepts we had already covered.

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At the end of level E, drawings were being used for the exploration/discovery part of learning. For example, my son was to draw a triangle and then measure the angles and find that they were 180 degrees. Now my son is super-detail oriented and way careful for his age, but measuring to 1 degree of accuracy is nearly impossible with our tools, and he would get 181 or 179 and I'd have to show a different way that the sum of angles of a triangle is 180.


After doing something similar to that two weeks in a row and I was ready to switch curriculum.



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My children finish E in 4th grade. This is what we have done...


DS - not an independent learner

5th: MEP year 5 (this was very teacher intensive, but we both enjoyed it)

6th: RS G (this got to be very tedious, so we quit about 2/3 through. He learned a lot, but a tiny mistake would ruin the whole problem. I also should have let him use a calculator. There was a TON of long division. I wanted him to get that practice though...)

7th: a random 7th grade math book, Video Text A, and some AOPS

8th: we have continued with videotext (which I bought used for a very reasonable price), but he is now stuck and we need to back track. I wish I had done some more prealgebra with him. I am researching other algebra programs. I think he needs me to teach him, and not hear it from a video.


DD- good at learning independently

5th: MM5

6th: MM6

For 7th we will probably stick with MM. I am not sure I will go back to VT.


I have not decided whether I will do MM or MEP with my next DS who will finish RS E this year. Both are good programs. MM has the teaching included in the text, so if I do not have the time to teach the concept, or if he doesn't need me to teach it, he can be independent. MEP would need some tweaking to give it this level of independence.

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My little man completed RS A-E and is currently doing VT Algebra alongside RS Geometry.


K4: RS Level A (1st Ed.)

K5: RS Level B (1st Ed.)

G1: RS Level C (1st Ed.)

G2: RS Level D (1st Ed.)

G3: RS Level E (1st Ed.)

G4: RightStart Geometry & Singapore CWPs + VideoText Algebra (Module A)

G5: RightStart Geometry cont'd & Singapore CWPs + VideoText Algebra (Modules A cont'd & B)

G6: Complete VideoText Algebra (Modules B cont'd , D, C, E, & F) & Singapore CWPs

G7: TBD...


As you can see, we started RS Geometry in 4th grade and incorporated VT Algebra after Lesson 81-ish, completing 1-3 lessons per week of RS and 1 lesson per week of VT Algebra. Sometimes a lesson in RS G has multiple worksheets. In those cases, my little man completes one worksheet per day, so it could take 1-3 days to complete a lesson of RS G. He completes each lesson of VT in 2 days, as shown below. (Here are VT's suggested one-year, two-year, and three-year pacing plans. We obviously have our own three-year pacing plan—basically, their one-year plan... just tweaked a bit and spread out for the first two years. ;)  )


Day 1:

Step 1.) Quiz (Form B) over the previous lesson, with me checking only the answers, and letting him analyze the errors, in order to verify mastery.

Step 2.) We watch the new lesson together, pausing and discussing as needed in order to cement the new concept(s).

Step 3.) He demonstrates understanding by working the odd numbered Exercises in the WorkText, using the Course Notes.

Step 4.) I check the answers, and we do error analysis together, using the Solutions Manual


Day 2:

Step 1.) Quiz (Form A) over the previous day's lesson, with me checking only the answers, and letting him analyze the errors, in order to verify mastery.

Step 2.) He demonstrates understanding by working the even numbered Exercises in the WorkText, using the Course Notes (if needed).

Step 3.) I check only the answers, and require him to do error analysis, using the Solutions Manual


He slips in some CWPs when time permits, but usually 3 or so problems after working through a RS assignment.


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