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I'm not cut out for the cold weather

Night Elf

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I live north of Atlanta. Last night we had an ice storm (not really a storm, just a bad buildup of ice) and it knocked power out in my neighborhood. We went at least 12 hours without power. I've never had to go that long. Our house got down to 60 degrees which for us is just too cold for any decent comfort level. With the noises of branches and trees going down, I didn't sleep well. This morning my neighborhood looks a right mess. My driveway is blocked with a tree full of ice leaning onto the asphalt. I was able to drive around it by going off the driveway. At least the roads aren't icy. I didn't stock up on batteries and our flashlights were getting dim. Just as I was leaving the house this morning to go get batteries, the power came back on. I decided to go out anyway, just in case more bad weather hits. I got the last 4 packs of D batteries at the grocery store. And worst of all.. the Starbucks wasn't yet open!

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I'm not cut out for extreme cold either... it's been below 30 most days for a couple of days and I can't seem to get warm... even sitting next to my pellet stove.


The thing is... I'm not cut out for extreme heat either.  I get sick when it gets super hot here (95* plus)... and especially when the  humidity is high too.

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We once lost power in a poorly insulated apartment for a week in upstate NY.  It was 40.  We had to go to a shelter.  I slept in my winter gear and was kinda hoping I'd just die because it was so painfully cold.


We sleep with the thermostat set to 60 and I wake up sweating half the time.


I'm not cut out for the cold either, but what you are describing is not cold.  LOL



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I'm not cut out for extreme cold either... it's been below 30 most days for a couple of days and I can't seem to get warm... even sitting next to my pellet stove.


The thing is... I'm not cut out for extreme heat either.  I get sick when it gets super hot here (95* plus)... and especially when the  humidity is high too.


Same here--not too hot, not too cold, just riiiiiight. I grew up in HI--below 70F is freezing, above 90F is a heatwave. There would be about a week each year when the tradewinds didn't blow and it was downright brutal! :laugh:

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I can't stand being cold either. We are buried in snow with frigid temps right now and I can not get warm. I feel the cold in my bones!! I am decked out in layers and sipping hot drinks all day, taking a hot shower at night. Nothing is helping. We have power but have to keep the thermostat set at 65 otherwise the unit just runs non-stop trying to keep up. I don't want it to conk out on us so 65 chilly degrees it is!!! Brrrrr...

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I'm not cut out for the cold either, but what you are describing is not cold.  LOL


It's all relative really. I was born in New Orleans and then moved to Atlanta. I've visited Wisconsin in winter and yes, that was cold, but almost surreal because I had no prior experience. I'm a true Southerner when it comes to the cold. DH was born in Wisconsin and moved to the south as a teenager. He was infinitely happier. He was living in Florida when I met him and when he moved to Atlanta, he hated the transition to cold weather. To this day, he gets suited up in huge jacket and huge gloves to go out in 60 degree weather. Neither he nor I could ever live in the north. He'd take a paycut to stay in the south.

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