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WTM Academy Algebra I Course


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Did anyone else notice that WTM Academy has added a year-long AOPS/Singapore Algebra I class?




The course covers chapters 1-10 in the Aops Intro. to Algebra book. It also uses a second book:


Algebra II. Freeman, Sara. Milliken


Is anyone familiar with this second book? Would this course then be the equivalent of the AOPS Algebra course, just spread out over a year? Does the AOPS course cover chapters 1-10 as well?


Here is the syllabus, for anyone interested:





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Would this course then be the equivalent of the AOPS Algebra course, just spread out over a year? Does the AOPS course cover chapters 1-10 as well?


No, the AoPS algebra 1 course covers chapters 1 through 13:



Whether the courses would be equivalent even if they were covering the same chapters would be impossible to say from the syllabus alone. One would have to look at the specific assignments students are expected to work: are they working all problems and exercises or just a subset? Are they expected to work the lesson problems before instruction (AoPS philosophy) or does instruction precede the problems? Are they expected to work the challenge problems?

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I can't help noticing that the student will be provided with "a review of the tenants of mathematics"


That should be interesting.  ;)


The chapter reviews numbers, order of operations, distribution and factoring, and exponents and radicals.

It's a very good chapter to check whether the student is prepared for algebra.

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Did anyone else notice that WTM Academy has added a year-long AOPS/Singapore Algebra I class?




The course covers chapters 1-10 in the Aops Intro. to Algebra book. It also uses a second book:


Algebra II. Freeman, Sara. Milliken


Is anyone familiar with this second book? Would this course then be the equivalent of the AOPS Algebra course, just spread out over a year? Does the AOPS course cover chapters 1-10 as well?


Here is the syllabus, for anyone interested:





No, judging from the description, it covers only the usual Alg 1 topics and doesn't include the extra (usually Alg 2) topics in the AOPS Intro to Algebra book. The Algebra II book is actually an algebra 1 extra practice book, not an algebra 2 book.


I'm planning on enrolling T in this course and I'll post a review next year. I'm specifically looking for a course that's not as fast-paced, challenging or, frankly, all consuming as AOPS' own courses. My expectation, based on the description, is that the WTM Academy class will be slower, more teacher led and probably more geared to a good, not necessarily super star, math student. At least, I hope so.

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Oh, Susan, I hope you didn't take it as snarky criticism! I know you guys get every little error pointed out - multiple times - so I didn't bother officially reporting it.  But I can't help reading like an editor and I have an overactive sense of the ridiculous (hence my participation in the Forum Game thread).  Anyway, I think it's awesome you guys are doing that class!  AoPS for the rest of us . . . .  :001_rolleyes:

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