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Any advice on constant stomach pain?


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I'm very frustrated and worried about this. For months now I've had pretty awful abdominal pain, mostly below my belly button on the right side. When it clearly wasn't going away I went to a primary care doctor who did an exam and ordered tests. The tests showed a high white cell count and she referred me to a GI dr. He did an exam, re-ordered tests and scheduled a colonoscopy. 😵 It will be another month before the awful C. Both doctors have ignored my complaints of pain and offered no advice on how to fix it. I'm very very frustrated. DH keeps threatening to take me to the ER but I don't want to do it because I know it will cost a fortune and I'm not sure it will actually fix anything. Anyone ever had anything like this?


I was reading the other thread on IBS, does that cause persistent pain?


Thank you!

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Food allergies can. I would immediately cut out the big offenders....gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, and see what happens. The Virgin Diet or GAPS are some good guidelines if you want some recipe ideas.


I assume the gastro is going to look for diverticulitis, etc., but this is something easy to do in the meantime and will help you rule out other possibilities if nothing obvious shows up in the colonoscopy.

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Hello, I am going through something similar. First, I suggest that you go to your ob/gyn and have her rule out ovarian cysts. You need a transvaginal ultrasound, an abdominal CT, and a CA125 blood test.


With that high white count, they should also rule out chronic appendicitis.


Are you having any other symptoms such as abdominal bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, feeling full quickly when you eat?

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I deal with this.  Supposedly it's from reflux and/or a gluten allergy.  I don't know--just a couple things to look into.  I can empathize with what it feels like to worry that it could be something bad but try not to worry.  I've had this pain for so many years.....endoscopes, colonoscopies........and it shows nothing.  So more than likely I doubt it's something scary. 

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The worse part of the colonoscopy is the prep, the procedure itself is no big deal (said the woman who was totally unconscious for hers).  


Have you had any prior surgeries?  Internal scar tissue can pull and hurt like the dickens!  Been there, done that, and swore like a dock worker!

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We have dealt with nearly constant tummy aches in my 6yo for as long as I can remember. At various times doctors said constipation or reflux or not knowing the feelings of empty or full. Finally we were sent to GI and he said childhood IBS. He told us to try peppermint oil capsules before meals (which she hates so only gets sometimes) and reduce FODMAP's (best bet is to google, I'm too new to it to explain). So we started her on a low FODMAP diet and she felt better within two days. We were hoping to not have to do full elimination as it's just a matter of finding individual tolerance levels of each type of sugar, but her tolerance levels are turning out to be pretty low :(  She's been on it for about four weeks now and we've found very few places we can allow FODMAPs. When we do, her tummy hurts again. I'm thrilled this evening as she was allowed a few triggers in her dinner (a small amount of wheat and some sour cream) and two hours later we're still okay. Crossing my fingers for no tummy aches but they sometimes don't hit til the following morning.


It wouldn't hurt to look up the guidlines for low FODMAP and try it for a week. There was such a marked difference in DD so quickly, I think you'd know if you were on the right track or not at least.

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My ulcers did this in high school.  Basically carried "tummy pills" like Tums constantly.  Now that I am older and it was finally identified, I cut out dairy and that helped so much.  I cut out most meat and that did wonders as well.  Unfortunately ulcers flare with all sorts of triggers, so an elimination style diet is about the only way to figure it out.  However, pain returned after less than two hours after consuming a trigger food.  It was really obvious.

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