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CLE math for elementary. . .now what?

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I know this has been discussed before, but I'm not sure what to search for.  CLE math brings up tons of things in the search.


DS is 12 and in level 607 in CLE's math. I know we have to switch maths at some point because CLE's sunrise only goes through Alg 1.

Where do we go next?

Do we switch now or wait another year and then switch after Level 700?

DS doesn't like math but is very good at it (he LOVES science).


I'd love some suggestions.

And I don't feel as though I need to haul out big bucks on a video program.  Math is my strength, and I feel confident enough with it that I can do it with him.

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I would guess the middle school forum will have the most related threads. That is when most people hit the pre-algebra/algebra I must switch phase. CLE isn't the only curriculum that doesn't go all the way through high school and even some that do, shouldn't. :)



What to use after CLE Algebra? 

CLE Math to ? 

Which Lial's book to Use After CLE 6

When to Switch from CLE to TT Algebra

If you're wondering when to jump from CLE to Saxon for pre-algebra...

CLE Math DIscovery

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I would guess the middle school forum will have the most related threads. That is when most people hit the pre-algebra/algebra I must switch phase. CLE isn't the only curriculum that doesn't go all the way through high school and even some that do, shouldn't. :)



What to use after CLE Algebra? 

CLE Math to ? 

Which Lial's book to Use After CLE 6

When to Switch from CLE to TT Algebra

If you're wondering when to jump from CLE to Saxon for pre-algebra...

CLE Math DIscovery

I'm reading through these on my coffee break. . .interesting stuff!

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We are just about finished with CLE's new Algebra course and I would recommend continuing with CLE  even though they don't have further levels available. It provides a solid foundation in Algebra concepts that would transfer to any Algebra II program. FYI, the Algebra course is integrated with probability and statistics concepts but does not cover any geometry.


For a student doing well in CLE 700, I think they could move directly into the Algebra course. Otherwise, I would suggest doing part of the 800 level. There is definitely some overlap between the concepts in 800 and the Algebra course so this will help provide a stronger foundation than just the 700 level. 


My ds has not struggled with the Algebra lessons so far. The only area I have felt needed some supplementation were the word problems. CLE does cover the major types of word problems but my son needed some additional help with these and I felt they could have introduced some tabular formats to help with the setup of the word problems.


One other thing, I have appreciated with CLE all along and also with their Algebra is how neatly organized it is. It has one well delineated lesson per day integrated with quizzes and tests whereas many of the other textbook programs are not as clearly structured for daily lessons.


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We are just about finished with CLE's new Algebra course and I would recommend continuing with CLE  even though they don't have further levels available. It provides a solid foundation in Algebra concepts that would transfer to any Algebra II program. FYI, the Algebra course is integrated with probability and statistics concepts but does not cover any geometry.


For a student doing well in CLE 700, I think they could move directly into the Algebra course. Otherwise, I would suggest doing part of the 800 level. There is definitely some overlap between the concepts in 800 and the Algebra course so this will help provide a stronger foundation than just the 700 level. 


DS would probably prefer doing it that way. He really does like CLE math (as much as he can enjoy any math, anyway).

I had just always assumed we'd be doing Algebra in 8th grade.

I've been reading the threads and some have used CLE 700 4 days a week with LOF pre algebra once a week.  I very very much like this idea. I'm going to mull it over a bit, but it sounds like a possible solution for us (especially considering we'll get a head start on level 700).  CLE 700 with LOF pre algebra in 7th and then CLE algebra 1 in 8th? This could work, right?


DS is doing really well with CLE math.  We're talking 95 or higher on every single test and quiz. If there's a way to stay with it a bit longer and still stay on track to do Calculus by 12th grade, I'd like to do that.

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DS would probably prefer doing it that way. He really does like CLE math (as much as he can enjoy any math, anyway).

I had just always assumed we'd be doing Algebra in 8th grade.

I've been reading the threads and some have used CLE 700 4 days a week with LOF pre algebra once a week.  I very very much like this idea. I'm going to mull it over a bit, but it sounds like a possible solution for us (especially considering we'll get a head start on level 700).  CLE 700 with LOF pre algebra in 7th and then CLE algebra 1 in 8th? This could work, right?


DS is doing really well with CLE math.  We're talking 95 or higher on every single test and quiz. If there's a way to stay with it a bit longer and still stay on track to do Calculus by 12th grade, I'd like to do that.

I'm no expert but it sounds like a great plan to me!  :)

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My daughter moved from CLE 700 to Saxon Pre-Algebra (Algebra 1/2) without any problems. She is doing Saxon Algebra 1 this year (8th grade). Transitioning from a workbook to a textbook was not difficult for her. She is very organized and neat in her computations (we use a graph paper notebook to keep all her work together).

My son on the other hand is now in CLE 600 and if things don't change dramatically next year, he will stay with CLE at least till level 800. He may need to stay with workbooks till Algebra with CLE, as using a textbook and having to move information in an organized way into graph paper wold be a nightmare for him.

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We went from CLE 700 into Saxon Algebra I and it has been smooth--no gaps!  I intended for him to go into PreAlgebra, but he got 100% on the Algebra placement test, so . . .


My son is young doing high school math, so doing CLE math was not really an option in high school--it wouldn't go high enough.


So far, he is able (from all his CLE training) to just READ the Saxon textbook, read the examples, and learn it.  I have only had to show him a few things (we are halfway through the course--in about lesson 70 out of 120).  We have the DIVE DVD and he has used it a few times.  I have him do all of the problems every day and correct them all--it was a serious jump from 45 minutes of CLE/day in 700 to over an hour of Saxon, doing the lesson and making corrections.


I'm pleased--I'm actually buying up the whole Saxon high school; plan to stick with it.



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Many moons ago, Saxon was what I just assumed we'd switch to. That just seemed to be the "go-to" math for homeschoolers.  But now I've heard so many mixed reviews that I don't know. 


MeandtheBoys. . .Woah, I'm looking at the ages of your kids and the level of math they're doing.  Your oldest is almost exactly the same age as mine. Wow, he's advanced in math. Are you considering him to be 6th grade? He is a young 12 yes?


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Many moons ago, Saxon was what I just assumed we'd switch to. That just seemed to be the "go-to" math for homeschoolers.  But now I've heard so many mixed reviews that I don't know. 


MeandtheBoys. . .Woah, I'm looking at the ages of your kids and the level of math they're doing.  Your oldest is almost exactly the same age as mine. Wow, he's advanced in math. Are you considering him to be 6th grade? He is a young 12 yes?


He turned 12 in November; I consider him more of a 7th grader abilitywise, but call him a 6th grader in activities because that's what his age is.  He is very strong in math, it comes easily, but he claims to hate it, ha ha.  I don't plan to zoom through Saxon.  Here is my intention:


6th grade: Saxon Alg 1


7th grade: Jacobs Geometry (I think he'll enjoy a whole year of Geometry, so why rush?  Yes, I know it's "included in Saxon Alg I & II", lol)


8th Grade: Saxon Alg 2


9th and 10th Grade: Saxon Adv Math


11th: Caclulus--either Saxon or through one of our local colleges/universities


I took Algebra in 7th so it doesn't seem all that weird to me :)  DS2 is right on grade level, doing 5th grade math in 5th grade--but he has told me he would like to do Algebra in 8th grade, so he wants to do math through the summer and try to finish CLE 800 the summer before 8th grade.  Even though DS1 went from CLE 700 into Algebra, I think DS2 will need CLE 800.




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