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Ideas for mother daughter trips?


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Looking to take my 14yr old DD for a week long trip during the April break. We live in CT and looking to go somewhere a bit warm, but not any all inclusive beach destinations or theme parks. We both love travelling, walking around and sight seeing, history and some shopping thrown in.


Any trips that you guys have taken?

San Francisco?? New Mexico? Have done Grand Canyon/Sedona

Europe? (Have done Paris, Rome/Florence/Venice). Cinq Terre excites me but doable just the two of us? 



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Ahhhhhhh.... :o)


How many days?  Do you expect to fly, or hope to drive?



My daughters and I drove to Montreal for a ~4 day girls' only trip a few years ago -- it was *excellent* -- very compact and easy to navigate, and there are city bikes to get you nearly everywhere; I barely took the car out of parking.  Quebec City is smaller, also marvelous.  I'm afraid April is unlikely to be great weather-wise, though -- the ice sculptures will be melted but it'll still be cold.


Among my favorite places on earth is Acadia National Park, in Maine, but again I don't think April's the best time.


(Though now that I'm casting my mind about re: April, I recall one year I went just with my son to one of the AMC lodges in the White Mountains of New Hampshire -- expecting to hike -- and we got BLIZZARDED IN.  Happily, they lend out LLBean gear, including hats and parkas along with x-country skis and snowshoes, so we ended up having a blast, just not the type of blast we expected.)


Boston!  Washington DC (you'd hit the cherries)!  Philadelphia! 



(I've driven kids and dog, as the only driver, all the way to Florida... but broken it up... and my kids and dog are all quite hardy travelers... so if you haven't done such marathons, I'd not venture much further than DC.)


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One of my favorite cities ever is Seattle. My daughter and I flew there, took the lightrail downtown, and stayed in the Queen Anne area and had no need for a car. We stayed busy for a week and had a blast. It's not going to be warm there, but it is a great place, imo. Our next mother/daughter trip is going to be Victoria, BC. We will fly to Seattle and then take the ferry to Victoria.


Another place I love is Hawaii. I would do a mother/daughter trip there in a heartbeat, but dh would not be happy if we left him behind. :)

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San Francisco would be perfect except that there is no guarantee it will be warm. It depends on what you consider warm. It is a gorgeous city though, with fun historical options (WWII sub, Presidio, lots of museums) and great shopping all in a fun culture. London would also be my suggestion... Also a lot of history (could take a day trip to Windsor Castle, do the British Museum, Tower of London, tons of places to visit) and amazing shopping (Herrods is so cool!). If cost wasn't a consideration (lodging and meals would be more expensive there, as well as transportation) I would definitely go for London. I can't wait to go back.

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If you're willing to travel internationally, Mexico City could be fun, especially near Easter because the city is a lot less crowded then.  There is so much to see there- over 100 museums, plenty of parks, pyramids galore, great food, fun shopping, and so much more.  I spent 3 weeks there last summer with my 13yo ds and we went all over the city together on the metro and had an amazing time. It's never hot or cold there, but that's the warmest time of year with highs around 78-80 degrees.

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thanks for the great ideas. 


Amira, is mexico city safe for women travelling alone and no understanding of spanish??


I speak very little Spanish (I read and understand quite a bit) and I was out on my own all the time.  There are certainly parts of the city I wouldn't visit, but there is plenty to do there that's safe- I could go back and spend another month there by myself and not run out of things to do.  There is a lot to do around the cathedral, in Chapultepec park, along Reforma, in Coyoacan, around San Angel, at the Basilica of Guadalupe, and at different pyramid sites in and around the city, all of which I felt safe at. I rode the metro or walked by myself to all of those places, except for pyramid sites outside the city.  The metro is really easy to navigate since they have a symbol for each station in addition to the name of the station.  I've found Mexicans to be almost universally patient with my lack of Spanish ability.  The only thing I didn't like there was trying to drive- the congestion is insane there.


If you're a smart traveler and know how to keep yourself safe, I don't think Mexico City is any more dangerous than New York City.

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I'm taking my dd to a Supernatural convention for her 16th birthday. :) It's just going to be a long weekend, but she is very excited about. She's a huge fan and doing something like this is something I know she'll really, really enjoy. I enjoy SPN, too, though not to the extreme that she does, so it's something we can enjoy together.

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