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Infection under a fingernail?

AFwife Claire

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Several days ago something must have poked me under my thumbnail, and it has gotten infected.  I noticed swelling, redness, etc. starting Tuesday night.  It has really been hurting and throbbing, so I have been taking motrin around the clock, as well as soaking it in warm water with epsom salts a few times a day.  It is still pretty swollen (I can't really bend my thumb) and very tender to the touch.  Is there anything else I should do?  Should I try lancing it?  If so, how do I do that--lance where I see the dark spreading blotch under my nail, where I assume the infection started, or just somewhere in the general vicinity?


Unfortunately, going to the doctor isn't a possibility until Monday.  I can't go to an urgent care--I would have to go to the military hospital ER, and that is a good distance away, plus I would almost certainly have to wait for forever. I tried to get an appointment yesterday, but the hospital was closed because it was a federal holiday.

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I've lanced an ingrown toenail infection, sometimes just pulling back on the nail will allow puss to drain out. The couple of times I have had to do that draining all the puss has pretty much taken care of the problem.


If it is getting worse I would get to a Dr./urgent care even if it is far away. Are you up to date on tetanus boosters?

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You need to be seen.  If it's infected and abscessed, they'll drill into the nail, or lance it to allow the pus to escape.  You don't want pressure building up under the nail, that can be dangerous.  If you see red streaks around the nail, swelling or discoloration of the skin around or under the nail, or develop a fever, go to the ER.

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I ended up letting my oldest DS lance it with a needle under the nail.  He squeezed a bunch of pus out.  It is definitely less swollen now, although still some, and still painful, although less.  I'll keep soaking it regularly and see how it's doing Sunday night.  If I want an appointment on Monday, I have to call Monday morning at 6:30, or there won't be any left for the day! 

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