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Calling WTM counselors please!


Could bipolar present for the first time in someone who is almost 60?  Or is it more likely that  they have had it for a while and just been properly medicated?


I have a family member who reportedly has bipolar.  Up until 4 years ago, there were no signs of any mental illness that I saw.  Something happened then, and he just went off the edge.  I'm just trying to make sense of this.

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It can.  Were there any other concerns earlier in life?  Drug/alcohol abuse?  One of my MIL's sisters presented a lot more with mental illness about that age when she quit drinking.  I think before she was self medicating.


I would make sure that a complete physical, blood work, and likely even a CT scan was done as it could be something else.  Brain tumors can cause this.  Sometimes severe thyroid, vitamin deficiencies, or other health issues can look like bipolar.

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Dementia has caused my grandmother to have mood issues for the first time. A friend's gentle father developed anger problems from pressure from a brain tumor. My step-FIL had a stroke which caused personality changes. A friend's husband also became mean and aggressive after a stroke. I'd want to rule all that stuff out. 


My grandmother's still has dementia but the negativity and sundowning that came with dementia have improved with zoloft. 

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I might have misread the OP.  Are you saying the person was on meds and doing very well until something happened about 4 years ago.  yes, that could be.  I have 2 family members on meds for bipolar and I don't think that anyone would consider them to have bipolar...........BUT they are very stable on their meds.


If the meds are stopped, changed, etc. it can be very hard to find stability.  Also other health issues can affect the bipolar and stability.

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Just thought I'd add in here, that my grandfather has Pernicious anemia and that tends to look a LOT like bi-polar. When he isn't up to date with his shots, he is really, really, really, hard to deal with. Usually it tends to get worse with age and when a person is younger and healthier it can be masked and compensated for simply by the way one might eat. I have blood test regularly just to make sure I catch it instead of making my entire family suffer for ages because I won't have it checked out.

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If the person was on meds and is now behaving erratically, it may be that they had some medical issues and had to discontinue their bipolar meds. That happened to my step dd's mom when she had a stroke and couldn't take those meds anymore for awhile. She was a crazy nut. It was a really scary time.

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Op, are you saying that he was taking medication for Bipolar and was okay, but that now symptoms are showing?  


I am wondering if that is the case.  I don't know if he has been on meds for years for BP or is just now having BP symptoms show up.  Up until 2010, there was no sign on any mental illness, but it's like he's gone off the deep end or something.  His behavior is frightening and frankly dangerous.

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How long has he been known to be BP and has he been diagnosed BP.  Can you ask him or does he have a spouse / relative or doctor you could talk to?  


Meds can work very well, but if they are changed, miss-prescribed, taken incorrectly or with another medication (even some over the counter ones) or simply stopped...A perfectly functioning person can behave as you mentioned.


I hope you are able to find some answers and get him some help. 

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