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Exercise Thread ~ December 14th - 20th


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Le Yoga.





Went for a run. Can't get over the scale, even though my clothes are evidence. Yep, got a hang up. My weight doesn't jive with my size. And I just ate two cookies for breakfast.

I used to have bacon, eggs, and apple pie for breakfast every morning. I was thin and healthy at the time and my coworker who ate poparts every morning would lecture me about having pie for breakfast.  :huh:

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Hi ladies! I've been so looking forward to joining you in the weekly exercise thread. Some of you have been so encouraging in my "early morning exercise motivation" thread. I had one solid week of concentrated exercise, instead of my regular incidental movement that comes with parenting 4 active kids. I could tell a difference in my muscle tone after three workouts!


I came home yesterday thrilled and excited about the changes and committed to keeping on no matter what. And then I dropped a crockpot on my foot and seemed to have fractured something. I have an appointment today. I'm so MAD! I can't put any weight at all. My first thought when the crockpot hit was "oh no. I just got started at the gym." I think just to keep up the momentum, I'll just keep going to the gym and work on my arms or something. I don't want to give up. :)

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Hi ladies! I've been so looking forward to joining you in the weekly exercise thread. Some of you have been so encouraging in my "early morning exercise motivation" thread. I had one solid week of concentrated exercise, instead of my regular incidental movement that comes with parenting 4 active kids. I could tell a difference in my muscle tone after three workouts!

I came home yesterday thrilled and excited about the changes and committed to keeping on no matter what. And then I dropped a crockpot on my foot and seemed to have fractured something. I have an appointment today. I'm so MAD! I can't put any weight at all. My first thought when the crockpot hit was "oh no. I just got started at the gym." I think just to keep up the momentum, I'll just keep going to the gym and work on my arms or something. I don't want to give up. :)


Sir, I think we can rebuild her.  We have the technology... <insert bionic woman theme music>       


Hopefully you're foot isn't broken.   :grouphug:   Although, you are right, this is a good time to focus on upper body strength if you have to be off your feet.





Today:  Skillwork, stretch, roll, MA. 


Negin, what did you decide?

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I know what you did bc I read the other thread.  LOL    :D   :cheers2:     (I responded too, ;) )

It really is not my fault. If I smell baking cookies all day and they are right in front of my face oh so easy to grab....



This morning I did JM kickboxing. My favorite dvd of hers. Then a short stretch. 


I've decided my short term goals are my butt, abs, and regaining strength in my shoulder once it's healed completely. 




Crossing fingers for no broken foot! 

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I'm on my tablet and can't multi-quote so forgive my multiple posts please.


I'd like to not care about the scale. I can tell there have been big changes this month. In addition to just feeling better and having way more energy my clothes also fit differently. I'm fitting nicely into clothes I haven't worn in at least two years. I shouldn't care what number the scale says, but I do.


TRX is suspension training. It's strength training that is great for also building core strength and balance.




Welcome, Sarah. I checked out your TRX link and it looks intriguing. I finally feel ready to start kettlebell training in January and I'm thinking the TRX might be my next goal after kettlebells.

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Went for a run. Can't get over the scale, even though my clothes are evidence. Yep, got a hang up. My weight doesn't jive with my size. And I just ate two cookies for breakfast.

Cookies can certainly be breakfast! But only if they're eaten with love :D


Maybe you and Mom-ninja need to coordinate cookie eating time :lol:

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Hi ladies! I've been so looking forward to joining you in the weekly exercise thread. Some of you have been so encouraging in my "early morning exercise motivation" thread. I had one solid week of concentrated exercise, instead of my regular incidental movement that comes with parenting 4 active kids. I could tell a difference in my muscle tone after three workouts!


I came home yesterday thrilled and excited about the changes and committed to keeping on no matter what. And then I dropped a crockpot on my foot and seemed to have fractured something. I have an appointment today. I'm so MAD! I can't put any weight at all. My first thought when the crockpot hit was "oh no. I just got started at the gym." I think just to keep up the momentum, I'll just keep going to the gym and work on my arms or something. I don't want to give up. :)

Lollie, welcome. You'll find this is a great group of women who are warm, encouraging and pretty darn funny, too. Hoping your foot heals quickly.

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Nothing today. There was too much noise nearby all night long (Christmas festivities and endless partying), I didn't sleep well and I don't feel well. I decided to make lemons out of lemonade and do my henna thing . I may do some Classical Stretch later. 

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I am seriously considering not wo today.   You understand how difficult this is.   I'll have to put a :(  face in my wo journal for today and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my days. 


But life being what it is at the moment, I think it would not be prudent to push myself.    


Maybe I can make it up tmr. 


We shall see.

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Yay. The foot is not broken!! Doctor said it shouldn't take long to heal. Today, I'm catching up on the things I neglected the last few days. Tomorrow morning I'll do a little modification and should be able to do most of my workout minus the treadmill and a few of the leg exercises. I'm so glad to be able to keep the momentum!

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I've been down for the count.  I didn't have a UTI, just the stomach bug from h*ll.  My dd had it too. :(  Nasty bug.  I'm feeling much better from that, but now I have a head cold.  I decided not to run or do anything else today, because my body still feels shot.  If I feel better tomorrow I may run and start doing kettlebell swings. 


Lollie, glad your foot is ok.


Negin,  :grouphug:

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I got both my wo sessions in yesterday. Today it's raining again. We'll see how that plays out with the hill hike but yoga-Pilates is on the roster.

It like never stops raining where you live. 


I am seriously considering not wo today.   You understand how difficult this is.   I'll have to put a :(  face in my wo journal for today and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my days. 


But life being what it is at the moment, I think it would not be prudent to push myself.    


Maybe I can make it up tmr. 


We shall see.

We all have those days. 

Accept it. Move on. 

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I know that I'm getting a bit boring and I know that I should do more, but really, the only thing that I feel like doing today after spending an hour or so going through Christmas recipes and planning my grocery list, is Classical Stretch. I'll do 3 of them:

  • Muscle Chains
  • Eccentric Strengthening
  • Abdominals

I hope that I'm a bit more interesting tomorrow. 


Sick, injured or put upon by the season I hope you all feel better tomorrow. Ds had an accident last night ( black ice) and dh had the stomach bug all night so I did not get the sleep I need :(. 

Lisa, I hope that your son and your husband feel better.  :grouphug: 

Your car also. 

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