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Mayan Ruins/Yucatan


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We're going over to the Yucatan soon to see as many archaeological sites as we can in a shortish trip and I'd love to hear any suggestions people have. We're mostly focusing on areas that aren't as touristy so I don't really need ideas about Cancun or surrounding areas (plus it's easy to find lots of information about that part of the peninsula).  If you've been to Campeche I'd especially love to hear about it.  We're going to Palenque but are debating whether we'll go to Calakmul from there or just north to Campeche and Merida.  Unfortunately we won't be able to go into Guatemala or Belize.


We live in Mexico and have traveled around quite a bit so this trip is focused on Yucatan-specific things, especially anything pre-Hispanic.  



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I have been to Chichen Itza (spelling?) 2 or 3 times. It is AWESOME. When I see photos from there, I tell my wife and DD about things I saw there. I had planned to move to Cancun, so I was in Cancun frequently. The ruins of Tulum (?) are about 1 to 1 /2   hours South of Cancun, on the coast. My memory of them is vague, but, any Mayan ruins are impressive. If you go to Belize be VERY careful! When I visited Cancun, which is only a few hours by car or bus from Belize City, people I knew in Cancun told me how dangerous it was there. 


I haven't been in the city of Merida but it is apparently a special place and if you can work that into your trip it will be nice. 


Enjoy your trip!


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Calakmul is worth the trip. Also visit the nearby sites of Becan and Xpujil. Campeche is lovely. Edzna is not far from there but make sure you have industrial strength mosquito repellent for that site! We spent last summer seeing (a LOT of) Maya ruins so I am happy to answer any specific questions.

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I have been to Chichen Itza (spelling?) 2 or 3 times. It is AWESOME. 


I agree. Chichen Itza is one of the most amazing man-made places I've ever visited. It is indeed a popular tourist destination, but I definitely consider it a must-see for anyone who wants to see Mayan ruins in the Yucatan. There's a reason it's so popular! Tulum is in a stunningly beautiful location, but the ruins themselves are not that impressive once you've seen Chichen Itza.

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We're definitely going to Chichen Itza and the other major sites (Uxmal, Edzna, etc), but I'm just trying to avoid the all-inclusive resorts and beach suggestions.  I asked about this on another forum and could stay at a different highly-recommended resort in Cancun every night, if we had any desire to do so. :)

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I have been to four sites.


My favorite was Tulum. It's a nice little town south of the Mexican Riviera. There are a lot of resorts there, but it is less commercial than the trendier spots north along the coast. The Tulum ruins are extensive but also easy to see because they are grouped together on one plain. If you go, bring a bathing suit and take a dip in the ocean while you're there.


Also, near Tulum is the Sian Ka'an Biosphere. They offer some fascinating tours! We went out with an archaeologist on a canal/boat tour and had the privilege of visiting a much smaller Mayan shrine in addition to learning about the ecosystem and some Mayan history. It was so interesting to learn a totally different perspective than that of the larger sites.


I have also been to Chitzen Itza and to Coba. Chitzen Itza is magnificent, and well worth the time to see it.


Coba is much closer to Tulum, so very doable to combine seeing the two with the biosphere on one trip. Coba also has some stunning pyramids and ruins. There are few sites that can rival Chitzen Itza, though.

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I was staying someplace on the coast waiting to go on a scuba trip.  Where I can't remember.  I got a taxi to take me out out to one of the not swarming with tourists sites nearby.  I had a book on the site.  It was absolutely wonderful.  I ended up getting a private tour.  My driver said that local people was interested in the information on the local sites, so him knowing lots of things about it wasn't unusual.  Because of the private tour, I actually enjoyed that site more than Chitzen Itza.  The site was also empty except for us.  


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