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Well this is just great

Night Elf

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Last night I pulled something in my back. I was hoping after a good night's rest it would be better this morning. While it did improve, it's not completely better. It's really hard to clean the house and stand in the kitchen cooking. My dd is helping a great deal but she didn't want to clean the toilet. :)


She has to work this afternoon/evening so I'm putting off the rest of the cleaning until tomorrow. Hopefully my back will be better. I can't imagine having to deal with company while my back is hurting.

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Don't clean! Bending is not a good idea. Buy a back, elastic wrap at the drug store to support your back and wear shoes that have good support like sneakers. Sit as little as possible, walk, lie down, take ibuprofen or aleve, ice. I hope you feel better soon!

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Is it a spasm?  I get that at times, and deep pressure/massage in the area helps. A professional massage is even better. I'm not sure there is time for that the day before T'giving, but a mini massage by a pro has saved me a couple of times. I know how uncomfortable this can be, so hope you are feeling better very soon.

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The area that hurt yesterday doesn't hurt as bad, but now my upper back hurts. I'm thinking because I've been compensating or something. It feels like a knot, like my back is seized up. DH is going to rub it tonight. At least I got the brownies done. That was probably my most important accomplishment today. :tongue_smilie:

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