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Just need to vent about the weather and Thanksgiving Break


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There is a storm expected where my dd is in school. It starts tonight. She cannot miss classes tomorrow, so she can't leave unless classes are officially cancelled and classes won't be officially cancelled until 6 am. That will be too late for us to safely drive to pick her up. So she'd have to get a train which will probably have delayed service, and then I will have to worry about travelling to the nearest station to get her if the weather gets really bad where we are, too.


If the forecast is saying there's a 100% chance of heavy snow the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, it would be in the best interest of the students for the college to cancel classes early enough so that students will have a chance of making the trip home safely. 



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There is a storm expected where my dd is in school. It starts tonight. She cannot miss classes tomorrow, so she can't leave unless classes are officially cancelled and classes won't be officially cancelled until 6 am. That will be too late for us to safely drive to pick her up. So she'd have to get a train which will probably have delayed service, and then I will have to worry about travelling to the nearest station to get her if the weather gets really bad where we are, too.


If the forecast is saying there's a 100% chance of heavy snow the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, it would be in the best interest of the students for the college to cancel classes early enough so that students will have a chance of making the trip home safely. 


I agree.  :iagree:

Thanks! I'm hoping for the best, and I called the office that makes those decisions to appeal for an early decision about class cancellation to enable everyone to travel safely. 

I hope they will listen and when they think this through, that they will take into account the safety of the students and their families instead of being blindly tied to the rules.

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Best wishes for safe travel.  We're still contemplating travel arrangements on this one.  Both hubby and I had things we needed to get done today, so traveling today is not an option for us - unless we travel late tonight and deal with the deer.  I'm not sure that's safer than taking on the storm as deer bodies by the side of the road are often too numerous to count this time of year.  I'm hopeful the warm ground will keep things hitting the ground melted for a few hours.



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Best wishes for safe travel.  We're still contemplating travel arrangements on this one.  Both hubby and I had things we needed to get done today, so traveling today is not an option for us - unless we travel late tonight and deal with the deer.  I'm not sure that's safer than taking on the storm as deer bodies by the side of the road are often too numerous to count this time of year.  I'm hopeful the warm ground will keep things hitting the ground melted for a few hours.


The most recent report is looking a little better 3-5 inches instead of 4-8.


I didn't think about the deer. 

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I think I'd take my chances on classes being cancelled and just pick her up tonight.



Unless something is due or there is a graded assignment for tomorrow, this is what I'd do.


This made me realize how far I've come. I was an obsessive student and wouldn't miss a class for anything. Now I'm begging my dd to cut classes. LOL.


She actually has an exam and a seminar that she is not allowed to miss. :( 


I purchased a "flexible" train ticket. She has a reservation but can change it without fees, so if classes wind up being cancelled, she can come home earlier in the day. 

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I guess that you just have to wait.


I've often said that colleges should cancel the night before from a logistics standpoint, but only once have they cancelled the night before.  It was a day they had already cancelled, and they determined that they weren't going to be able to open the next day either.  The reality is that they have to assess in the morning in most cases.


The colleges I work for had Monday classes, but that's it for this week, so they're covered.  I actually cancelled my Monday class because we haven't had any cancellations and are on target to finish, and I always find it silly to teach to 1/6 of the class and then have to review what I did the following week.  It's better use of time to do that IMHO, and they had an exam last week anyway, so I gave them background reading and discussion for the next unit.


I'm getting emails about checking Wednesday if you're an employee who planned to be at work because they may close first thing or send people home early.  I work largely from home, so not a biggie. 

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Update: The powers that be cancelled classes. It must have been MY phone call that made the difference. LOL.


We've already taken advantage of the flexible ticket and changed her reservations, and she's coming home tonight! We'll be able to get into the city and back before any weather hits, and she'll have a nice long break. Yay!

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Update: The powers that be cancelled classes. It must have been MY phone call that made the difference. LOL.


We've already taken advantage of the flexible ticket and changed her reservations, and she's coming home tonight! We'll be able to get into the city and back before any weather hits, and she'll have a nice long break. Yay!


:party: :party: :party:

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Glad it worked out!  I'm seriously contemplating our plans and whether we should just go on Thursday or not.  I think I'll wake up tomorrow morning and see what the weather actually is before deciding.


The cat has told us he'd prefer to stay in if it's snowing.  Apparently the barn isn't quite as nice.


Middle son has college/research work he needs to get done during break, so Wednesday might be his time to get it done.


Either way, I like having options and being able to be flexible.

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