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Great Courses on Amazon Streaming!!

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When did this happen? It looks like most of them you can watch the first episode free, then you can pick individual lectures to buy for $1.99. This is so cool! My kids are very excited, and are starting with the secrets of mental math and the math of games ones. What a great way to see if they are worthwhile or to pick a specific topic to watch.

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There aren't the many, I've found 14, they are hard to find. I am really hoping they add more. These are the ones I see:


Understanding the world's greatest structures

How to become a superstar student

30 masterpieces of the ancient world

How to read and understand Shakespeare

Writing and civilization

Physics and our universe

History of the ancient world

The inexplicable universe

Our night sky

The mathematics of games and puzzles

Mysteries of modern physics: Time

Heroes and legends

Understanding greek and roman technology

Practicing mindfulness

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Thanks!  I've sort of gotten the hang of it now.  The only one I looked at closely -- 30 masterpieces -- didn't have a free episode.  I may go ahead and get individual episodes since we're doing ancients this year.  I love that I can just choose which lectures we want and not bother with others.

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If you are looking at buying very many episodes I'd check the price for Amazon used, I know on the ones I've looked the used prices are extremely low. I've got a few on my wish list to try with ds this spring to see if he is ready, one of which is now on streaming, so I'm very excited that we can try before I buy.  We tried Inexplicable Universe but he wasn't quite ready for it (although we've loved dGT on Nova).

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If you are looking at buying very many episodes I'd check the price for Amazon used, I know on the ones I've looked the used prices are extremely low. I've got a few on my wish list to try with ds this spring to see if he is ready, one of which is now on streaming, so I'm very excited that we can try before I buy.  We tried Inexplicable Universe but he wasn't quite ready for it (although we've loved dGT on Nova).


We had the same experience when my daughter was around 10 or 11. The format for Nova ScienceNow was so visually engaging that she was very disappointed in and not ready for the straightforward lecture style of the GC. 


Also, at $2 an episode, that can rack up quite quickly if the course is of a substantial size, so it may be best for sampling rather than doing a full course. Don't forget to sign up for the GC email list, as the sales are constant and often really, really good. The courses bought from them now usually include free streaming and are available for video or audio download. Some of them really need the video, so wouldn't be as good a choice through Audible (though that's a good way to get them as well).

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You can buy the whole thing for less than $2 an episode. For example, Our Night Sky is only $12.99 for all 12 episodes.


A lot for me is the convenience of being able to stream it, watch it on our iPads while we work out on our ancient elliptical machine. We can get some from the library but for some reason we don't watch them as much as we are used to streaming everything. And I dislike the audio. But you are absolutely right, if I were smart I would buy them used, but it is very nice to be able to watch one specific episode we want to see about Beowulf for $2 without thinking about it. I also picture us getting excited about buying all these wonderful courses at bargain prices and then... they sit in a pile somewhere.

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