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Thyroid nodules- anyone have them?


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I've been tested (many, many times), since I have all the symptoms of thyroid disease.  My Mom was diagnosed with thyroid disease in her 30s.  My labs come back within normal limits (including thyroid antibodies, TSH, T3, T4, etc).  I've been having issues with coughing and ear pain.  I have a feeling of fullness in my throat and have been known to have a choking feeling after drinking liquids.  I think something is wrong and my investigation is coming up with a possibility of thyroid nodules.  Has anyone else had thyroid nodules?  Please, share your experience?  

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I have had an enlarged thyroid since I was in my teens.  All testing has always been normal.  Because my thyroid was large, I had periodic ultrasounds (every few years) to check things.  A few years ago, they found a thyroid nodule.  It was stable in size (around a half cm) for a while but got a little bigger, so it was biopsied.  Biopsy was negative.  After my 4th pregnancy, the nodule grew quickly and became so large that I could see it and it began to interfere with swallowing.  I had a partial thyroidectomy a year ago and have had no issues since.  At this point, my labs are all still normal and I'm hopeful that the remaining half will do its job and I won't need medication.

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I had to have half my thyroid removed (big benign lump thingie that once the doc pointed it out even I could see it, duh) last month before doc would do my colonoscopy reversal.  Ever since that blasted NG tube was removed I have periodically felt like something is in my throat and that I am about to choke.  I see and ENT next week to find out what is going on NOW.  Now I am going to google nodules....

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I've had them on and off over the years, and whenever they've been biopsied they come back negative.

Are you under the care of an endocrinologist, or did your regular physician order the bloodwork?

I would schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist who should perform an ultrasound on your thyroid. If he/she notes any nodules, then they will either recommend a biopsy, or say to come back in 6 months to see if they've grown.

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I have 3 solid nodules and 1 cyst on my left side of my thyroid.  They have been biopsied and found to just be  benign nodules.  I had them checked again after a year and they haven't grown although I can see one a little when I swallow.  I also had part of my thyroid removed because of a cyst, but also because the cyst was hyperactive.   I have found I can feel that choking feeling when I am stressed.  Lately, I have been taking a really good multi-vitamin and licorice root and have noticed that I don't feel them anymore - even when I am under stress.  I have also gone gluten free and have found other body issues I've had clear up.  I don't know if the vitamins or the gluten free has made the difference.   I have a feeling that my body was/is needing some good nutrition and when I "feed" my body, I don't have that choking feeling or accompanying ear pain (which I was also dealing with).  



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I had them, and opted for a thyroidectomy even though a biopsy came back benign.  (My endo said I would have to have a biopsy every 6 months if I didn't have the thyroidectomy.) 


One horrible side effect was weight gain.  The surgeon subscribed a very low dose of Synthroid after my thyroid was removed, and in four months, I'd gained 50 lbs.   (Didn't eat more calories or exercise less, the weight just piled on.)  My endo said it often happens after a thyroid is removed, when they're attempting to find the right dosage for an individual.  Easy for them to say, and it's been terrible trying to lose the weight.  I'm finally on the right dose, but still trying to lose the weight. 


I guess I would still choose a thyroidectomy as opposed to getting a biopsy every 6 months.  I hated lying flat on that table with a huge needle stuck in my neck.  I still ask myself if I hate it more than 50 lbs.  Tough to say!  :laugh: 

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