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Exercise Thread ~ November 2nd-8th


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I'm just starting to feel better, I hope you feel better soon, Snickerdoodle.


Yesterday I did Bikram yoga for the first time.  I missed having any kind of flow, but it was still fun.  It was very calming which was good, since the night before I spent an hour (on the phone) trying to settle down my oldest (who is sick and stressed) and then in the morning, I dropped my phone in the toilet.:(  It seems to be working now, but I was very stressed by the time I got to yoga.


Today was kettlebell with lots of presses, and tonight, my dd and I are going to yoga again. :)  

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Reading all the workout made me smile. I think dreaming about working out should build muscle.


Went to physical therapy yesterday- every week I go in thinking I'm ready to give notice that I'm going to be stopping and then something happens- anyway, he looked at my thigh muscle and dug around in it and got it to "release", just a small strain but the muscles and fascia bunched around the strain were making it feel much worse. He then worked my core out so hard that it hurts to laugh:)


Followed by martial arts, in which I mixed two katas together and by virtue of being on the front line led a lot of lower belts astray, ughh. I learned a lot....


Today- another rest day for my thigh but the sunshine here is mocking me and trying to tempt me to go for a run.

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I got up at 4 am to get ds to an Eagle Merit Badge Day. I'm at a Starbucks right now. I'm thinking of scoping out the local high school for a track when the frost leaves the ground.

What about the mom merit badge? I hope you got yourself a nice latte made with foamed cream rather than milk!

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Today I decided to try a circuit in Oxygen magazine. So I did 2 rounds of:


Jump squats 20 reps


Single leg Deadlift with Row 12 reps each leg


Sit and Flips 10 reps (I have never done these before)


3 Way push ups 5 reps (these killed me as my shoulder is achy from earlier in the week; I was supposed to do 15 reps but I stopped at 5 to prevent injury; besides 3 push ups count as 1 rep so still did 30 push ups today which is pretty good on a hurt shoulder)


Forward lunge with weight overhead 20 reps


Plank Donkey Kicks (I call them Plankey Kicks) 20 reps


Started to do round 3 but my ds talked me into stopping by making waffles, and I could smell them. 

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