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Macbook Air vs. Macbook Pro?


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I suspect I know the answer to this, but I wanted to see if there are factors that haven't occurred to me. I'm in the middle of trying to make a decision between a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro. I have a Pro currently, and I'm considering an Air for oldest DD. I can't see any reason why she'd really need a CD/DVD drive, which seems to be the main difference. The other aspect that may or may not matter is the processor speed (1.8 GHz for the Air vs. 2.5 GHz for the Pro). I've been using my Pro for so long, I don't even know how much a slower processor matters anymore. Is that a vast different in speed?


I would love to hear any thoughts on the matter. Thank you! If I can get this done, it will take a big chunk out of my holiday shopping burden :lol:

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What will the computer be used for.


Mainly Minecraft, Sims, and writing/schoolwork (MS Office). I'll want it to last at least a few years for her and then hopefully get passed down to youngest DD. 


Outside of watching DVDs on it, I can't really think of anything she'd need a CD/DVD drive for at this point, right? She's had an iPad for years now and it hasn't been a problem. She's wanting a larger screen and better/easier typing capability (and I'm wanting to install better parental controls). 

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The way I understand it, MacBook Pros no longer come w/ a cd-rom/dvd port. You'd have to get the $79 super drive (which plays cds, cd-roms and dvds and attaches to the laptop via a USB port, I think) and use that or download it to the laptop.


Oh wow, I didn't know that! It looks like the non-Retina Pro still has it, but I wonder if that's only until the inventory runs out? 


I'm looking at refurbs, actually, so they would still have the cd/dvd drives. But wow! I must be getting old *sigh* 

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Oh wow, I didn't know that! It looks like the non-Retina Pro still has it, but I wonder if that's only until the inventory runs out?


I'm looking at refurbs, actually, so they would still have the cd/dvd drives. But wow! I must be getting old *sigh*

Not old. We bought dd a MacBook Pro in March of 2013 and when her hard drive needed to be replaced for the 2nd time in 6 months just a week ago [insert glare emoticon here] the Apple Store employee told us that the cd/dvd feature causes more troubles than it's worth, hence the move to the super drive.

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OK, I'm going to copy and paste the post I made comparing the Airs to the non-Retina Pro a couple of months ago.


It would be a downgrade to go with the low-end 13" Pro. Yes, it has a faster processor, but it has an old-school platter hard drive instead of flash memory, and that is a huge downgrade in speed. It also has an older, slower video card. The Airs have been updated more recently. So basically your daughter will have a faster laptop that is easier to travel with if you go with the Air. If money is tight, check out the refurbished Apples. They are all I buy now, and I've never had a problem. You want a 2014 model, but the 2013s would be fine if money is an issue. http://store.apple.c...mac/macbook_air


ETA: My husband is on his second Air. Our daughter has his old one, and they are wonderful. He does photo/video editing and MMO gaming on it without issue. There is no downside to the Air. 


I'd get the Air for longevity and just get an external DVD for it.

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The only reason to go up to the macbook pro is if you need the extra processor power for heavy photoshop, LOTS of things open at once, database software, that kind of thing.  For what you're describing, you can go Air.  And that's correct that the cd/dvd drives are out.  I got an external cd/dvd drive from Best Buy for a pittance ($28?) and it's GREAT.  I think maybe it's a samsung?  Just get whatever has reasonable reviews.  My dd uses it every day for her TT math.  


Here's a question though...  Have you thought about an iPad?  How much of that can she do on an iPad with a bluetooth keyboard?  I don't know anything about mine craft and sims, but can they be done on the iPad?  Definitely the word processing stuff can.  Just a thought.   :)

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Even with lots of things open at once, the slowness of a platter hard drive will be the bottleneck and you won't ever unlock the full potential of that faster processor. I say that as a former gaming computer builder who swapped to Mac and customer out my MBP. I recently swapped the old platter drive for a solid state drive, and the change in speed was mind blowing. The beach ball disappeared. I'm running multiple Adobe apps without issue. It's booting up in seconds not minutes. That's not even considering how much better the video card is in the Air than the non-Retina Pro.


Mt thoughts aren't theoretical, either. My DH's Air does Photoshop and whatever the video editing Adobe app is called at the same time without issue while keeping his menagerie of browsers and email open. Unless you are doing photo and video editing as your life's work, the Air will be fine. Even if you are, the choice between the non-Retina Pro and the Air still favors the Air.

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I agonized over which to get, because I knew I'd be stuck with it for a long time once I made the purchase.  It's been almost a year now and I *love* my air.  I'm so glad I went with it.  I love how small it is and that I can fit it in my bag (I considered iPad for portability, but prefer working with an actual integrated keyboard) and with everything being stored in the cloud, storage space has been a complete non-issue.  I did get the external DVD/CD drive but I think I've only used it maybe twice in this past year.  



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There is no low end Mac


You can get a 2012 for 769 but it will have the shorter battery life.


If you want to run MS office the Mac isn't necessity.


I love the air. With the cloud who cares about storage now.

Let me correct you. There is no cheap, low quality Mac. Apple doesn't build carp just to pad their sales numbers. There are levels of performance, however, and the OP was interested in the two least expensive models (and therefore lower end) and wondering which is the better model to get for her needs. When I checked yesterday, there were 2014 models available for around $800 with great features.


I don't know what your point is about MS Office. I run it every day. A couple of the Office apps actually started on the Mac and there's a clause in the agreement to use that code that MS continues to develop Office for the Mac.

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For $350 you can get a little asus transformer



But if you can buy a 900$ MacBook Air more power to you! Im jealous. Lol.


I got my kid a 200$ chromebook.


My first-year college student got a $200 chromebook too.  For her needs, it works perfectly.  She would have loved a Macbook, but as it turns out, this really serves her purpose well!




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The air is lighter, thinner, and doesn't have a moving hard drive (This means less moving parts that might break).  It also has a longer lasting battery.


So, I vote for the air.  


Good luck in your decision, but I don't think you can really make a wrong one, they are both great laptops.

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